
US has built up military stash for potential Taiwan war – Reuters — RT World News

The news agency reported that Washington has stored hundreds of vehicles in Australia to enhance logistics services in the region

The United States used its largest-ever joint exercises with Australia last year to establish new stockpiles of equipment in the country, preparing for a potential conflict with China over Taiwan, Reuters reported on Wednesday, citing sources.

According to US officials interviewed by the agency, the military equipment was stored during the “Talisman Saber” maneuvers last July and August. More than 34,000 soldiers from 13 countries participated in the exercises, which were conducted in and around Australia and focused on enhancing combat readiness and logistical capabilities.

Reuters reported that the training equipment included 330 vehicles, trailers and 130 containers stored in the southeastern part of Australia. She added that in the event of a conflict, this would be enough to supply about three logistics companies with a total strength of 500 soldiers or more. Alternatively, the equipment could be used during future exercises or to deal with a potential natural disaster.

Several officials interviewed by the news agency noted that logistics is a weakness in the US military that China could exploit in the event of a conflict, perhaps by bombing refueling ships and aviation fuel depots. Officials warned that such tactics could allow Beijing to obstruct Washington without having to engage the bulk of US forces.

The Chinese embassy in the United States did not comment directly on the report, but told Reuters that Washington should do so “Stop strengthening military contacts with the Taiwan area” And “Stop creating factors that could increase tensions in the Taiwan Strait.”

The dispute between the United States and China over Taiwan has widened in recent months, due to Washington's arms sales as well as visits by senior lawmakers to the self-governing island.

Beijing considers Taiwan part of its sovereign territory, and has denounced US contacts with Taipei as interference in its internal affairs. President Xi Jinping said China seeks peaceful reunification with the island, although Beijing has not ruled out using force to achieve that goal.

Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden pledged in 2022 that Washington would defend Taiwan if that happened 'There was an unprecedented attack' But he insisted that his country does not encourage the island's independence.

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