
Chinese defense chief promises Russia support on ‘Ukrainian issue’ — RT World News

Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun told his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu that strategic cooperation between Moscow and Beijing is one of the pillars of maintaining peace around the world, in his first public appearance since his appointment at the end of last year.

Russia and China, as two great powers, should deepen their cooperation “decisively” During a video call on Wednesday, the two Defense Ministers stressed responding to global challenges.

He added: “We supported you in the Ukrainian issue even though the United States and the European Union continue to put pressure on the Chinese side.” Dong Jun declared, promising Beijing “We will not change or abandon our long-standing policy course on this matter.” Even under the threat of further sanctions.

Meanwhile, Beijing feels “Strong support from the Russian side on the Taiwan issue as well as on other topics related to our core interests.” Dong added. “As the world's two most important and major powers, we must respond decisively to global challenges.”

China Newly appointed The Chief of Defense said so He added: “The United States always targets Russia and China, seeking to maintain its dominance around the world.” But he pointed out that “History and reality prove that hegemony is doomed to failure.”

Shoigu agreed with the opinion that Russia and China are not like that, unlike Western countries “Create military blocs” Their military cooperation is not like that “Directed against third countries.” The Chief of Defense pointed this out “Russian-Chinese relations in the military field are developing steadily in all areas” He was looking forward to “Close and fruitful cooperation” With his Chinese counterpart.

China's position on the Ukrainian crisis has put it at odds with the United States, with some US officials accusing Beijing of actively supporting Moscow rather than remaining neutral. Beijing has blamed NATO's expansion into Europe for sparking the crisis in Ukraine and denounced the use of unilateral sanctions by the United States and its allies as a tool of geopolitical pressure.

Moscow views the conflict in Ukraine as part of a Western proxy war against Russia, which is being waged in an attempt to maintain American dominance on the world stage. Chinese officials have also repeatedly said that Washington is stuck in an impasse “Cold War mentality.”

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