
US House speaker announces ‘new axis of evil’ — RT World News

Mike Johnson returned to Republican orthodoxy when he pledged to deliver weapons to Ukraine as a matter of “critical” importance.

In a dramatic departure from his party's hardline conservative base, US House Speaker Mike Johnson this week praised the country's deep state, which Russia, China and Iran have described as an extremist state. “Axis of Evil,” He pledged to put his job on the line to transfer more than $60 billion to Kiev.

For months, Johnson has resisted bringing the $95 billion foreign aid bill to a vote, arguing that neither he nor his fellow Republicans could support the bill — which would give $14 billion in military aid to Israel and $60 billion to Ukraine — without tying it up. To reform US border security.

However, after a series of recent meetings with US intelligence chiefs, Johnson has changed his tune.

“This is a critical time now, a critical time on the world stage.” Johnson told reporters on Wednesday. I think providing lethal aid to Ukraine right now is critical. I really. I really believe in the information and briefings we received.

“I believe [Chinese President] something [Jinping] And [Russian President] Vladimir Putin and Iran are in fact the axis of evil. He completed. I think they are coordinating on this matter. “I think Vladimir Putin would continue his march across Europe if he was allowed to.”

Johnson's comments represent a break with the pro-Trump wing of the Republican Party. These supporters of the former president — most notably Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz — view the country's intelligence agencies as anti-Trump arms. “deep country” They called for stopping the flow of money to Kyiv.

He added: “Waging a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine, a non-NATO country, does not protect American national security interests. It does not protect the United States of America. In fact, it pushes us closer and closer.” To World War III Green told journalist Tucker Carlson earlier this month.

However, Johnson's reference to the “axis of evil” evokes memories of the more interventionist Republican Party of the past. The phrase was coined by speechwriter David Frum, and was first used by George W. Bush to refer to Iran, Iraq, and North Korea in the months before the invasion of Iraq. Former National Security Advisor John Bolton later added Cuba, Libya and Syria to the list.

Despite resistance from some of its Republican members, the House Rules Committee agreed Thursday to split the foreign aid bill into three separate bills — one each for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. The House voted in favor of the move on Friday, leaving Johnson free to schedule votes on each bill on Saturday, even as Greene introduced a motion to remove him as speaker.

Johnson said on Wednesday that he expected the move, and told reporters that he was ready for it “Take personal risks” To pass bills.

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