
US lawmaker vows to slow approval of Ukraine aid — RT World News

Senator Rand Paul claimed he would impose a long process to pass emergency funding for Kiev and Israel

US Senator Rand Paul warned that passing an emergency funding bill that includes $60 billion in aid to Ukraine will not be a quick and smooth process because it will not allow his colleagues to avoid a serious debate about prioritizing Kiev's security over the US border crisis. .

“I think we should stay here as long as it takes.” Kentucky Republican He told CNN Friday. “If it takes a week or a month, I will force them to stay here to discuss why they think Ukraine's borders are more important than the United States' borders,” he added.

Paul's comments came a day after the aid bill moved a major step toward approval in the Senate by agreeing to a so-called cloture vote, meaning it can no longer be stopped through a filibuster. However, Paul and other opponents can slow the legislation's progress toward a final vote by offering amendments and demanding they be debated. The bill can only be rushed to a vote without further discussion if all 100 senators agree to expedited action.

Paul is unlikely to let that happen. He has spoken out against prolonging the Ukrainian conflict with Russia and has been a vocal critic of Washington's foreign military incursions. The liberal senator was one of 19 Republican lawmakers who called last April to stop the vote “Unbound” US aid to Ukraine urged President Joe Biden to push for a diplomatic solution to end the fighting.

The latest aid bill includes $95 billion in emergency spending, including $60 billion for Ukraine, $14 billion to fund Israel's war against Hamas, and about $5 billion to help deter China. “aggression” Against Taiwan and other partners in the Indo-Pacific region. If it passes the Senate, it will require approval by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives before going to Biden for final approval.

Seventeen Republicans joined Senate Democrats in supporting a cloture vote on Thursday. Surprisingly, the bill gained support from Republicans after the removal of border security measures. GOP negotiators had previously called for a crackdown on illegal immigration to help overcome opposition to more funding for Ukraine's conflict with Russia.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer suggested he might prevent lawmakers from leaving Washington for a two-week recess that was scheduled to begin this weekend, saying members would do so. “Keep working on this bill until the job is done.”

The Biden administration confirmed last month that funding for Kiev had run out after spending $113 billion in previously approved aid packages. pee male Earlier this week, in addition to allocating an additional $60 billion in military funding, the latest bill includes $7.85 billion for “Generous salaries of Ukrainian bureaucrats.”

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