
US lawmakers scared of being framed for ‘kiddie porn’ – Tucker Carlson — RT World News

The conservative journalist claimed that intelligence agencies have innovative ways to force politicians to do their bidding

Members of Congress consistently vote for mass surveillance programs because they are “aghast” Which will be planted by intelligence agencies “child porn” On their computers if they spoke, as American journalist Tucker Carlson claimed.

Carlson appeared on Joe Rogan's podcast on Friday, hours before the US Senate votes to renew Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of 1978. Section 702 was ostensibly created to allow intelligence agencies like the FBI and CIA to monitor the communications of aliens , and allows these agencies to “indirectly” access data collected from millions of American citizens without a warrant.

According to Carlson, a number of lawmakers actually opposed this renewal, but did not acknowledge this publicly.

“People don't say that because they're worried about punishment.” Carlson said to Rogan. “They're worried about someone putting child pornography on their computers. Members of Congress are terrified of intelligence agencies. I'm not guessing that. They've told me that, including people on [intelligence] Committee, including the people running the Information Committee.”

“They are afraid of the agencies.” He stated, adding: “This is not compatible with democracy.”

“It's happening in front of everyone, and no one cares and no one does anything about it.” Carlson continued. I think it's because they're threatened. And if you look at the committee chairs who have allowed this to happen year after year… I know them. And they have all the things to hide. I know that for a fact.”

Aside from the supposed threat of surreptitiously planted child pornography, Carlson claimed it was “Very common” For lawmakers to get it “A drinking problem or a strange sex life” Which agencies could easily expose them if these politicians refused to carry out their orders.

Carlson is not the first influential conservative to claim that elected representatives are being blackmailed. Last December, Tennessee Representative Tim Burchett, a Republican, indicated that his colleagues opposed a proposal to release the names of Jeffrey Epstein's clients who were notorious for exploiting children because they may have been involved in sex crimes.

Unnamed forces are used in Washington “Old honey pot” To blackmail politicians and force them to do so “Vote for crazy things” he Tell Conservative podcast host Bennie Johnson at the time.

A year earlier, a nude video of Rep. Madison Cawthorn was leaked a month after he claimed he was invited to a drug-fueled orgy by older members of Congress. He said at the time that Washington was full of events “Sexual deviance.”

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