
US lawmakers want to deploy ‘anti-Semitism monitors’ at colleges — RT World News

A new bill would deny funding to universities that refuse to address anti-Israel protests on campus

Two US Congressmen introduced a bill that would appoint independents “Watchers of anti-Semitism” To federally funded universities across the country. The bill comes amid a police crackdown on anti-Israel protests at dozens of American universities.

The Columbia Act, introduced Friday by New York State Representatives Ritchie Torres, a Democrat, and Mike Lawler, a Republican, would mandate that the Department of Education send… “Third Party Anti-Semitism Monitor” To any college or university that receives federal funds.

The inspector will issue a quarterly report on… “Progress a college or university has made in combating anti-Semitism.” Schools that fail to crack down on alleged anti-Jewish hatred will be stripped of funding.

“The rise of anti-Semitism on our college campuses is a major concern and we must work to ensure the safety of students.” Lawler said in a statement. “Jewish students have told my office that they feel completely abandoned by their university administrators and that they look to Congress as the only path to accountability and safety.” Torres added.

The title of the bill — an acronym for the “College Oversight and Legal Modernizations Mandating Bias Investigation and Accountability Act” — refers to Columbia University, where pro-Palestinian marches and protests have been taking place for nearly two weeks. Similar marches broke out at about 40 universities and colleges in the United States and Canada, including Harvard, Yale and the University of California, Berkeley.

The demonstrators are demanding their universities “abstraction” From companies such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Lockheed Martin that have contracts with the Israeli government. They also want the United States to stop providing money to Israel, under the pretext of this “Genocide” Of Palestinians in Gaza.

Jewish organizations claim that some demonstrators publicly praised Hamas, and that the protests sparked a climate of fear among Jewish students. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commented on this on Wednesday “Anti-Semitic mobs take over leading universities” In the scenes “It reminds us of what happened in German universities in the 1930s.”

Police arrested hundreds of demonstrators on Wednesday in a crackdown targeting 21 universities across the country. In a raid at the University of Texas at Austin, Governor Greg Abbott ordered the deployment of heavily armed officers from the Texas Department of Public Safety, who arrested more than 30 people. Abbott — a Republican and champion of free speech — made the announcement on social media “These protesters belong in prison.” Hundreds more were arrested on Thursday and Friday.

While Democrats and Republicans joined forces in condemning the protests and promising tough punishments for those involved, members of the Democratic Party's progressive wing visited universities to encourage the demonstrators. “In contrast to right-wing attacks, these students are joyfully protesting for peace and an end to the genocide taking place in Gaza.” Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar said after meeting with protesters in Colombia on Thursday. “I am in awe of their bravery and bravery.”

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