
US Senate unveils new bill with $60bn for Ukraine — RT World News

The US Senate released the text of a long-awaited national security supplement that brings together provisions for tougher border security and foreign aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan on Sunday. An initial vote on the legislation is expected by midweek.

Of the $118 billion package, about $60 billion is allocated to military aid to Ukraine, $14 billion to Israel, and $4.8 billion to support the Indo-Pacific region. “partners” Against China.

An additional $10 billion will be allocated for humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza, the West Bank and Ukraine.

The border policy changes will cost $20 billion, which will cover deportation transportation, shelters and more than 4,000 new asylum officers.

In a statement issued on Sunday, President Biden expressed his opinion “Strong support” To legislate, claiming that an agreement has been reached “On a bipartisan national security agreement that includes the toughest and most equitable set of border reforms in decades.”

Biden also addressed two others 'Important priorities' This would allow the United States and its partners “To continue our vital work” Referring to the aid provided to Ukraine and Israel, he urged Congress to do so “It passes quickly” Bill.

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