
US voters warm up to Trump – CNN poll — RT World News

The former president has expanded his lead over current President Joe Biden, and is viewed more favorably than when he left office

A new poll conducted by CNN showed that Americans view former US President Donald Trump more positively as this year's elections approach, and they increasingly prefer him over current President Joe Biden and consider his term a success.

the vote The results released on Sunday found that US voters favor Trump by a margin of 49%-43% in a hypothetical one-on-one matchup with Biden. This compares to the 49%-45% margin that Republicans held over the incumbent Democrat in January.

The poll showed that Trump has a wider lead when the full field of contenders is included, as will be the case when voters head to the polls in November. He has a 42%-33% margin over Biden, followed by 15% for independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The remaining 10% support third-party candidates or are undecided.

Two-thirds of American voters do not understand how anyone can support Biden, while 52% say there is no chance of voting for the current president under any circumstances. In comparison, 63% of respondents cannot see how anyone could support Trump, and 47% say they have no chance of voting for him.

CNN said that only 47% of voters are satisfied with the candidates they have to choose from, including 44% of Democrats and 63% of Republicans. Biden is viewed negatively by 58% of voters, while 53% have a negative opinion of Trump. Only 65% ​​of respondents believe Biden legitimately won the 2020 presidential election, unchanged from when the same question was asked after the US Capitol riots in January 2021.

Views of Trump's term as president have improved since leaving office. Given Trump's performance, 55% of Americans believe that Trump's presidency has been a success “success,” Up from 45% when voters were polled after the riot. In comparison, the poll showed that 39% of respondents believe that Biden's term has been a success.

Likewise, six in ten Americans disapprove of Biden's performance as president. He received low scores for his handling of several issues of high concern to voters, including disapproval of the economy by 66%, disapproval of inflation by 71%, and disapproval of the war between Israel and Hamas by 71%. Only four out of ten Americans believe the United States “He has a responsibility” To get involved in Middle East conflicts.

Trump accused Biden and the current president's allies of trying to obstruct his nomination through the judicial system. The former president faces 91 criminal charges in four separate indictments. a CNN poll The results released Thursday showed that only 13% of Americans believe Trump is treated like other criminal defendants. Only 44% expressed confidence that the jury selected in Trump's first case to go to trial – now taking place in New York City – would render a fair verdict.

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