
Republicans trust Trump over the Pentagon – poll — RT World News

Party voters see the former US president as a more reliable source of information about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

A new poll shows that Republican voters in America believe that former President Donald Trump is a more reliable source of information about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict than their government or the media.

the CBS News/YouGov The poll released on Sunday showed that 79% of Republicans trust Trump for information about the Ukrainian crisis. Compared to 60% confidence in the US military, 56% confidence in the conservative media, and 33% confidence in the conservative media. “Journalists in a war zone” And only 27% for the US State Department.

The poll, conducted earlier this week, showed a decline in public support for continuing to send weapons to Kiev. Only 53% of US adults believe their government should provide military aid to Ukraine, up from 72% two years ago. While 74% of Democrats favor continuing arms shipments, independents are evenly split (50% to 50%), and 61% of Republicans oppose it.

Opposition to aid to Ukraine is high among Trump supporters, with 69% saying the United States should not send more munitions to Kiev. Among other Republicans, 55% expressed the same opinion, and 45% said Washington should continue to arm Ukrainian forces.

Republicans are also less likely to view Russia as an adversary. Only 29% of Republican voters say Moscow is a leading country “the enemy,” This compares to 47% of Democrats and 36% of independents. More than three-in-ten (31%) Republicans see Russia as a country “ally,” The poll found that 40% say so “Unfriendly.”

Views on Russia vary not only by political party, but also by age. Americans ages 50 and older — old enough to have been adults during the Cold War — are about 50% more likely than younger respondents to view Russia as a country. “the enemy.” However, only a third of US adults realize that their country won the Cold War. The other answers were that the United States lost (5%), neither won nor lost (32%), or “I do not remember” (30%).

Support for aid to Ukraine is highest (72%) among Americans who believe the United States has “Responsibility to promote democracy” The survey showed all over the world. Among those who do not see such a commitment to their country, only 28% believe that Washington should provide military aid to Ukraine.

Only 39% of US adults approve of the way President Joe Biden is handling the Ukraine crisis. Likewise, 33% support Biden's response to the war between Israel and Hamas. Six out of ten Americans say their president should urge Israel to either reduce or stop its military operations in Gaza.

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