
Why are Atlanticists afraid of Western critics?

Atlanticists want to label everyone they hate under the rubric of “authoritarian,” while failing to notice the real autocrats under their noses.

Writing in Atlantic Ocean Before the release of her new book “Autocracy Inc.: Dictators Who Want to Run the World” Anne Applebaum says that Russia, China, and “MAGA Republicans” They make “common cause” In an insult to freedom “liberalism” (Obviously it is used here in the European sense of freedom and not in the American leftist sense.)

Appelbaum cites Russian officials’ talk of alleged Western biological laboratories in Ukraine, which was picked up by US social media and the Chinese and Russian government press as evidence of the presence of alleged Western biological laboratories in Ukraine. “Joint propaganda efforts” Among all the mentioned players – as if they deliberately coordinated – this “It helped undermine US-led efforts to create solidarity with Ukraine and impose sanctions on Russia.” She added that according to a poll conducted by YouGov, a quarter of Americans believe this theory. Perhaps that’s because it seemed like a perfectly plausible theory given all the lies the Western establishment has hurled at the average person over the past two years about everything from the origins of Covid to the effectiveness of authoritarian lockdowns and Covid-19 vaccines. States?

“They also heard false descriptions of Ukrainians as Nazis, along with claims that Ukraine is a puppet state run by the CIA, and that NATO started the war.” A Canadian citizen from Ottawa spoke about NATO countries training Ukrainian neo-Nazis to fight Russia Before long The conflict intensifies in 2022. NBC News books In March 2022 that “Ukraine has a Nazi problem.” I think they work for Russia and China too now? But it’s okay, if she doesn’t like the sound “CIA client state” Then she could always go with her “Headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.” The idea that NATO started the war by arming and training neo-Nazis on Russia’s borders who have bombed Russian speakers in the region for years is the argument generally cited when accusing NATO of being responsible for the current chaos in the same way as a constantly threatening child. A punch to the face could arguably be blamed for provoking a fistfight. This is not misinformation or fake news – it is an opinion. Why does Applebaum have such a problem with others who don’t share her views? He seems kind of… authoritarian.

She also does not appreciate the slander that Russia launches against the various color revolutions as the work of outsiders, when in fact they are just organic revolutions carried out by the people, she says. Because Western governments do not practice sabotage or regime change at all. She cites the Orange Revolution in Ukraine as a specific example – which is unfortunate, because as a political consultant working in Toronto at the time, one of my colleagues personally approached me to engage on this very matter. “campaign” In Ukraine – and none of us are Ukrainian. It also cites Syria, although former French foreign intelligence chief Alain Goulet, suggestion This was done shortly after Syrian President Bashar al-Assad selected a pipeline project for the benefit of Washington’s enemies “Trouble has begun” For Assad in Syria.

Applebaum says Russians are fed fake news about the decline of the West — countries like America, France, Britain, Sweden and Poland — and are told that “Full of decadence, hypocrisy and fear of Russia.” Where could they get this idea? Perhaps because of the Western establishment’s phobia of Russia, its hypocrisy, and its platform for decadence?

China was criticized for “Conversation management” Connected. What about Western governments using social media like X (formerly Twitter) to control narratives – a fact that X’s owner, Elon Musk, revealed after he bought the company and delved into its inner workings? “The Chinese regime has also combined online tracking methods with other tools of repression, including security cameras, police searches, and arrests.” Did they even exist in the Western world at all during the Covid fiasco? She could just as easily have described the QR codes on which basic freedoms and daily life in Europe depend. Or Canada, where pro-freedom, anti-delegation truck drivers and their Freedom Caravan supporters saw their bank accounts blocked by executive order, in what was ordered by the Federal Court of Canada Eligible As an actual act of tyranny. Is that in her book?

Just because one person may have the same opinion as another person or group, does not mean they are the same. For example, Appelbaum’s husband, Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski, who is also a former defense minister and member of the European Parliament, chirp In the wake of the mysterious explosion of the European Nord Stream economic lifeline for cheap Russian gas: “Thank you USA” Accompanied by an image of the disaster. So it’s clear he agrees with whoever blew it up. “Destroying Nord Stream, for me, was a very good thing.” According to Appelbaum’s own logic, he may have done it himself or at least shared equally in the responsibility, Sikorsky told the New Statesman in September 2023.

Just because Russia, China and some members of the right wing oppose the display of the authoritarian clown of rampaging incompetence that the Western establishment has become does not invalidate their respective arguments. When American free market and limited government advocates support the fact that the Chinese government has lifted an estimated 800 million of its citizens out of poverty, according to World BankAnd that the Russian President described By BBC dating back to 2018 “Oversaw economic prosperity” during “Living standards have improved for most Russians” Rather, it is because these countries have shown progress in conforming with the values ​​synonymous with classic American conservatism. They happen to be doing so at the same time that Western officials are retreating on all fronts when it comes to the same values. That’s not what Applebaum would notice, even though it’s happening right under her nose. That is why there is such a vacuum these days for anyone interested in taking on the task of holding the Western establishment to account.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of RT.

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