
Will any of Jeffrey Epstein’s associates face justice? — RT World News

While the unsealed court papers unsealed in the deceased sex trafficker's case may seem like a bombshell, serious consequences are unlikely.

The names of nearly 200 people linked to accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein were made public this week, but no one should expect justice in this sensational case involving members of the global elite.

at first Slice of documents Released on Wednesday with the participation of Epstein and his powerful, globe-trotting cronies, there were no surprising revelations — no smoking guns, as it were — and such an anti-climate trend is likely to continue. After all, we're talking about individuals – businessmen, politicians, celebrities, even royalty – for whom the justice system has a strange way of never succeeding, at least in the way the general public would like them to.

But first, for those still recovering from their New Year's celebrations, who is Jeffrey Epstein? Epstein, a New York City native, has been described as a businessman “puzzle” Who crossed the social spectrum from college dropout to financial advisor to the rich and famous. Associated Press described His amazing success on Wall Street “Shrouded in mystery,” While others Believes He was a Mossad or FBI agent, tasked with blackmailing his unsuspecting associates into unwittingly putting themselves in danger with underage girls.

Whatever the case, Epstein, who was found dead in his prison cell on August 10, 2019, of an apparent suicide, had a knack for working his way into wealthy social circles in New York and Palm Beach. On these sites, the billionaire was accused of recruiting underage girls and sexually assaulting them at his residence in the early 2000s.

Epstein's white knight facade began to slip in 2005, when police in Florida opened an investigation into reports that he had sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl. After a four-year trial, which saw the charges significantly reduced, Epstein pleaded guilty to the charges against him, which included one count of solicitation of prostitution and another count of solicitation of prostitution with a minor under the age of 18. A relative slap on the wrist with 18 months in prison under lenient conditions, they were released five months early.

Despite his newfound reputation as a pedophile, many of Epstein's friends did not abandon him at this point; In fact, public figures who should have known better, such as Bill Gates, Prince Andrew, and Bill Clinton, continued their friendship, traveling on the so-called “Lolita Express” to Epstein’s private Caribbean retreat known as “Little St. James”, then later as “Pedophile Island”.

Internet sleuths and conspiracy theorists alike had a great time speculating about various sordid criminal acts that may have occurred in this 78-acre strip of paradise, which became infamous for its boxy 3,500-square-foot blue striped plot. building Topped with a golden dome – it was the perfect setting The alleged one, to conduct rapes and other atrocities. The unstoppable internet rumor mill has even spread allegations of child sacrifices, although no evidence of this has been provided so far.

In a final Christmas gift, Manhattan federal Judge Loretta Preska ordered the release of sealed documents against Epstein and his associates in a previously settled defamation lawsuit filed by Virginia Giuffre, 40, against Epstein's mistress, Ghislaine Maxwell, in 2015. Maxwell is now serving a prison sentence. For 20 years. Giuffre has alleged that Epstein sexually trafficked her with Prince Andrew, and in a lawsuit against the prince she claims the Duke of York had sex with her on three separate occasions. The prince has publicly denied these accusations, in perhaps the most disgusting interview ever.

As previously mentioned, much of the information contained in the 900 pages of court filings had either already been reported or was unsurprising. However, the descriptions make Epstein's party resemble a visit to the Barnum & Bailey Circus while under the influence of hard drugs. Imagine discovering, for example, the likes of pop star Michael Jackson, the Duke of York, US politician Al Gore (apparently his fear of climate change didn't stop him from flying on Epstein's private jet), and magician David Copperfield, all in the same breath. the room. It's enough to make one's head explode. Through raw details, we also learn that former US President Bill Clinton “likes 'em young”, physicist Stephen Hawking allegedly participated in a sex party for minors, and Epstein allegedly forced minors to have sex with Harvard Law professor Alan. Dershowitz, who strongly denies the allegations. Incidentally, since we have just entered a momentous election year in the United States, it is important to note that although former President Donald Trump's name appears in the documents, witnesses maintain that he did nothing wrong.

While it is important to remember that inclusion in the documents does not imply guilt, it is impossible to imagine to explain these wildly diverse individuals and their affiliation with Mr. Epstein. Although the general public is invited to examine the salacious details of this degenerate party, there are other things – more harmful to the deviants – that we will never know about. This includes intelligence said to have been collected by the FBI.

Two days after Epstein's suicide on August 10, 2019, FBI agents seized computers during a raid on the late pedophile's private island. According to drone footage Obtained by NBC News. The footage shows that at least two desktop computers and an Apple computer were removed from Little St. James Island as part of the FBI investigation.

Many social media users have speculated that the information on computers removed from Epstein's home were so-called “blackmail files” that the deceased sex offender, along with any intelligence agency he may have worked for, used to control high-powered individuals. In high places. In other words, a large-scale intelligence operation.

Around the time of the raid, Attorney General William Barr pledged that the investigation into Epstein's alleged misconduct would continue and the perpetrators would face justice.

“No conspirator should rest easy.” Barr said. “The victims deserve and will get justice.”

Today, more than four years after Jeffrey Epstein's death, no individual involved with the late socialite and financier has spent a single day in prison, and that likely won't change. The rich and powerful may sometimes suffer from extortion, but they rarely suffer at the hands of the justice system, which is built on money and influence.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of RT.

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