
World entering ‘age of chaos’ – UN chief — RT World News

Its leader said the intergovernmental organization was more divided today than it was during the Cold War

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Wednesday that the world is moving towards a solution “Age of Chaos” As a divided Security Council struggles to adapt to crucial geopolitical issues and ongoing global crises.

In his annual speech presenting his priorities for 2024 to the Security Council in New York, Guterres said that conflicts and wars around the world are creating chaos. 'Dangerous and unexpected' reality for innocent civilians.

“For millions of people caught in conflicts around the world, life is a deadly, daily, hungry hell.” Guterres said before the United Nations General Assembly. this “Age of Chaos” As described, he created “A free-for-all, dangerous and unpredictable.” At the time of the United Nations Security Council “It has reached a dead end due to geopolitical fissures.”

Guterres said that among the issues that cause division in the United Nations is the Israeli war in Gaza. He added that it was 'Particularly upset' Following reports that Israel intends to focus its military offensive in the southern region of the besieged Strip, where more than a million people have sought shelter from air and ground bombardment.

He added, “Such an action would dramatically increase an already existing humanitarian nightmare, with untold regional consequences.” to caution.

The Secretary-General also criticized countries seeking to bolster their arsenals of weapons of mass destruction, actions he said only serve to increase global insecurity and inflame regional tensions.

“Decades after nuclear disarmament, countries are competing to make their nuclear arsenals faster, more secretive and more precise.” He said. He added that weapons are being developed without guardrails. “Finding new ways to kill each other – and for humanity to annihilate itself.”

Guterres stated that although the Security Council witnessed division in the past, it… “Today’s dysfunction is deeper and more serious.”

“During the Cold War, well-established mechanisms helped manage relations between the great powers.” He said. “In today’s multipolar world, such mechanisms are missing.”

The Secretary-General of the United Nations also called on Member States to “Make peace with the planet” By committing to reduce harmful emissions, and working to gradually eliminate fossil fuels, pointing out that humanity “War with nature” he “A crazy battle to choose.”

Amid the bleak global outlook, Guterres called on world leaders to meet together at the “Future Summit” to be held in New York next September, adding that it was an opportunity for world leaders to exchange views. “Shaping pluralism for years to come.”

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