
Mr Bean actor blamed for slow electric car sales — RT World News

Rowan Atkinson's criticism of electric vehicles is holding up the phase-out of petrol and diesel vehicles in the UK, a think tank claims

UK-based environmental charity Green Alliance has accused actor and comedian Rowan Atkinson of being a major obstacle to the government's efforts to phase out fossil fuel vehicles by 2035.

Speaking to the House of Lords on Tuesday, a representative of the group claimed that a commentary article written by Atkinson in The Guardian in June 2023 was… “One of the most harmful articles” For the cause of net zero and public adoption of electric vehicles.

In his editorial, Atkinson described himself as… “car person” And “early adopter” Of electric vehicles, he mentioned that while he enjoyed owning a hybrid and a fully electric car, even though they were both “A bit soulless.” He felt increasingly uncomfortable “Deceived” Regarding claims that electric vehicles are “Environmental therapy.”

The representative criticized the use of lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles, citing research indicating that greenhouse gas emissions during the production of electric cars were 70% higher than when producing gasoline cars. Atkinson pointed out that the main culprit is “Ridiculously heavy” Batteries, which are only estimated to last up to 10 years. “This seems to be the wrong choice of devices with which to lead the automotive battle against the climate crisis.” he wrote.

Atkinson suggested that the need for electric cars could be eliminated as a solution to the climate crisis by encouraging drivers to stop buying new cars every three years and keep their cars longer. Another solution suggested by the representative was to explore ways to increase the use of clean synthetic fuels.

“I feel like the honeymoon with electric cars is coming to an end, and that's not a bad thing.” The actor concluded.

In its letter to the House of Lords Environment and Climate Change Committee, the Green Alliance lobby group insisted that Atkinson's views were misguided, and suggested that his concerns about electric vehicles were… “It has been completely debunked.”

“Unfortunately, fact checks never reach the same audience as the original false claim, underscoring the need to ensure high editorial standards around the net zero transition.” The group said.

Other issues hindering the phasing out of combustion engine vehicles in the country include inadequate charging infrastructure, high prices of new electric vehicles compared to their petrol and diesel alternatives, “Lack of clear, long-term messaging from the government.”

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