
All Japanese could have same surname – study — RT World News

Research has concluded that “Sato” may become the only family name by 2531 if married couples are not allowed to keep their name.

Japanese citizens will have the same last name after 500 years unless spouses are now allowed to use separate surnames, a new study suggests.

Organized by the Think Name Project and led by Hiroshi Yoshida, an economics professor at Tohoku University, the study is part of a campaign to raise awareness of the effects of not amending a law dating back to the late 19th century.

The research predicted that if the government continues to require married couples to share the same surname, every Japanese person will be known as “Sato-san” by the year 2531.

“If everyone becomes Sato, we may have to be addressed by our first names or by numbers.” Yoshida explained, according to the media. “I don't think that would be a good world to live in.” The academic added.

According to a survey conducted in March 2023, “Sato” already tops the list of Japanese last names, accounting for 1.5% of the total population, while “Suzuki” comes in second.

Japan remains the only country in the world that requires spouses to use the same name. It is said that couples must choose the surname they will share when they marry, but in 95% of cases, it is the woman who changes her name.

However, the government allowed married names to appear alongside the names of married couples on passports, driver's licenses, and residence certificates.

Meanwhile, conservative members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party believe that changing the law will do the trick “undermine” Family cohesion and creating confusion among children.

The study, which was published in March but was published for the first time this week, sparked speculation of an April Fool's Day prank, but Yoshida said he wanted it to make people think about it, according to The Guardian.

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