
Encyclopedia of Representatives of Organizations of Youngest Prisoners in Occupy Prisons

A “Jordanian-Palestinian” prisoner, resistance fighter and activist belonging to the Palestinian national liberation movement (Open), who was arrested by Israeli occupying forces in 2002. He became the coordinator of the Supreme National Emergency Committee of the Prisoners’ Movement and contributed to the planning of the protest movement occupying Palestinian prisoners in prisons, regardless of their armed affiliation.

birth and growth

Ammar Mustafa Ahmed Mardi was born on September 18, 1981 and grew up in Ramallah. bank of the westHe holds Jordanian and Palestinian citizenship.

He began his activities at an early age and was persecuted by the occupying forces before he turned 18.

Learning and training

In 2000, he joined Birzeit University as a political science student, but his arrest on June 9, 2002 prevented him from completing his studies.

Ammar completed his studies in prison, earning a bachelor’s degree in political science and then a master’s degree in Israeli studies, although the occupation authorities in October 2010 denied his and a group of fellow inmates’ requests to complete their studies, citing security reasons.

Struggle experience

Three years after his arrest, the investigation against Ammar Al-Mardi began and lasted for three months until he was sentenced to life imprisonment and 20 years in prison.

Amal Maadi joins other prisoners in continuing the struggle inside the occupied prison. He is considered the youngest organizational representative among prisoners in prison and the representative of the Fatah movement on the Supreme National Emergency Council. Prisoner Movement.

In 2022, he was transferred to the “Hadarim” prison, and in September of the same year, the leadership of the movement of prisoners in unrepentant and occupied Israeli prisons announced that he had been selected as a member of the “Strike Leadership Committee”. Persisting in arbitrary and retaliatory measures against prisoners.

In March 2023, Mardi participated in a hunger strike to protest against repressive measures against Palestinian prisoners.

On November 5, 2023, the Occupy Prison Administration decided to isolate him in Salmon Prison and issued an order prohibiting him from visiting.

On February 2, 2015, his mother passed away after a battle with the disease, and he was deprived of one last chance to see her. She was banned from visiting him for eight years, and his brothers were not able to visit him for many years.

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