
‘Aqsa Flood’ releases Palestinian female prisoners from occupation prisons Current Affairs News

Palestinian women are a landmark in the fight against the Israeli occupiers. She took up arms, organized demonstrations, was martyred, wounded and deported. She was taken prisoner but remained a determined Palestinian woman in the face of her occupiers.

According to reports, more than 16,000 Palestinian women, including elderly women and children, they were arrested Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967, according to the Palestinian Prisoners Club.

Thirty Palestinian prisoners were released over the past two days as part of a prisoner-exchange truce between Israel and the Islamic Resistance Movement.agitationWhile 32 female prisoners are still being held in Israeli-occupied prisons, here we learn about many more, some of whom have been released and others who are awaiting release.

24 female prisoners released on first day of truce

The first batch of female prisoners released on the evening of Friday, November 24, 2023, the first day of the truce, included the names of (24) prisoners.

Six female prisoners were released on the second day of the truce

The second batch also released six female prisoners, who were released on the evening of Saturday, November 25, 2023.

Palestinian female prisoner detained

As of November 25, 2023, dozens of Palestinian female prisoners were still held in Israeli prisons.

The oldest female prisoner: We were beaten after October 7

Maysoon Musa Al-Jabali, the oldest female prisoner in an Israeli prison, said after her release at dawn on Sunday that “life was difficult for Palestinian female prisoners after October 7 last year. The Israeli authorities withdrew everything from them and attacked the female prisoners, beating them, spraying them with poison gas and placing them in solitary confinement. ”

Methuen, the oldest female prisoner in an Israeli prison, was arrested on June 29, 2015 and sentenced to 15 years in prison. At the end of 2021, Methuen was appointed dean of female prisoners Oldest Palestinian female prisoner “They remain in an Israeli prison following the release of Amal Taqatqa, her elder, whose sentence ended in December 2021.”

Detention of Palestinian female prisoners extended

According to a statement issued by the Authority for Prisoners and Former Prisoners and the Palestinian Prisoners Club on November 23, the occupying forces have extended the detention of Jerusalem prisoner journalist Mervat Al-Azza until tomorrow Monday, as they know She has been detained since November 16.

The detention of Fayrouz Salama, a prisoner from the Jerusalem town of Anata who has also been detained since November 16, was also extended by eight days.

The occupying forces also extended the detention of Omaima Bsharat, a prisoner from Tubas, by 144 hours (six days) in order to issue an administrative detention order against her, knowing that she had been arrested since October 29 last year.

Likewise, the detention of Kholoud Al-Jarmi, a prisoner at Barata Camp in Nablus, where she and her husband have been detained since November 18, has been extended until tomorrow Monday.

The plight of Palestinian female prisoners

From the moment of their arrest by the Israeli occupying forces, Palestinian female prisoners are subjected to various forms of pressure, including psychological and physical pressure and intimidation, without taking into account their special needs.

According to prisoner agencies (Prisoners’ Affairs Authority, Palestinian Prisoners’ Club, Al-Dameer Prisoner Care and Human Rights Foundation, and Wadi Hilweh Center in Jerusalem), there were approximately 7,000 prisoners in occupied prisons at the end of October, including 62 female prisoners .

“Damon” women’s prison

Most Palestinian female prisoners were held in Damon Prison, a tobacco warehouse built during the British Mandate that was designed to provide humidity to preserve tobacco leaves. After 1948, Israel took control of it and turned it into a prison.

The prison closed briefly; then reopened in 2001.

Damon Prison lacks the most basic necessities of human life. Most rooms are poorly ventilated, and due to the age of the building, many rooms are infested with insects and moisture. Its floor is also made of concrete. This makes the winters very cold and the summers very hot.

Released prisoner Isra Jabis hugs her son upon returning home (Reuters)

Mother imprisoned in occupation prison

The Israeli occupation continued to arrest mothers, and the occupying authorities also denied the rights of captive mothers to public visits and hugs with their children, in addition to denying or obstructing visits to some children.

Here is a list of arrested mothers, according to the Palestinian Prisoners Club:

  • Isra Jabis.
  • Fadwa Hamada.
  • Etaf Jaradat.
  • Yasmin Shaaban.
  • Aya al-Khatib.
  • Manal Saeed Dudin.

Female prisoner gives birth to baby in prison

From the first moment of the pregnant Palestinian prisoner’s arrest, her series of suffering at the hands of the Israeli occupation authorities begins. After the investigation period, they were transferred to detention centers that lacked minimally sanitary conditions.

When it’s time to give birth, prison authorities lock the inmate’s legs and hands while she goes into labor and take her to the hospital. Husbands and family members were not allowed to attend; her bonds were not lifted until the moment of her birth.

Here are the names of female inmates who gave birth in prison:

  • Zakiya Shamut.
  • Magda Jacir Salameh.
  • Omaima Musa Muhammad Jabr Aga.
  • Merwat Mahmood Yusuf Taha.
  • Manal Ibrahim Abdul Rahman Ghanem.
  • Aisha Kurd.
  • Samar Ibrahim Sobey.
  • Fatima Younes Hassan Zak.
  • Samiha Hamdan.

original prisoner

The occupied prison is one of the sites of conflict between the Palestinian woman and the occupying prisoners, who try to break her will by any means possible. Yet it survived, adding new splendor and splendor to its history. Therefore, it is necessary to know about a group of first-generation female prisoners who bloomed in the prison bars from 1967 to the late 1980s. There is a list in this link. original prisoner Published by the Palestinian News Agency on its official website since 1967.

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