
Occupation blocks celebrations for the release of Palestinian female

Two Palestinian children were wounded by bullets fired by Israeli occupying forces in front of Ofer prison, as the occupying forces prevented any celebrations or patriotic demonstrations by receiving released male and female prisoners.

A Palestinian child was wounded by a bullet fired by Israeli occupying forces in front of Ofer prison near Betouniya, the Palestinian Red Crescent said. Ramallah.

Later, Al Jazeera reporters confirmed that a second Palestinian boy was wounded by Israeli occupying bullets near Ofer prison.

Occupying forces fired fire bombs and gas bombs at hundreds of Palestinians who had gathered in front of Ofer prison awaiting the release of Palestinian prisoners as part of a prisoner exchange deal with the Islamic Resistance (agitationIt has also attacked journalists and the families of prisoners scheduled for release.

Al Jazeera correspondent Najwan Samri said Israeli occupation forces raided the home of prisoner Amani Al-Hashim north of Beit Hanina Jerusalem occupy.

Occupying forces attacked Al Jazeera journalists and photographers and tried to prevent them from taking cover in front of the prisoners’ homes.

Occupying forces also raided the home of prisoner Marah Bakir in Beit Hanina, north of occupied Jerusalem.

Al Jazeera journalists say the occupying forces are trying to prevent any celebrations or patriotic demonstrations by receiving liberated male and female prisoners in Jerusalem.

Break-in and Summons

The Palestinian Prisoners Club said the Israeli occupation authorities raided the Jerusalem home of two Palestinian prisoners, Amani Al-Hashim and Zeina Abdo, whose names were included in today’s exchange list) and informed Zena’s family not to accept any media interviews.

“Starting this morning, the occupying forces summoned the families of female Jerusalem prisoners to the investigation room in Mascobia, where their mobile phones were confiscated and they have been detained to this day,” the club said in a statement.

He noted that the occupation threatened the family of Fatima Shaheen, a prisoner in Bethlehem, south of the West Bank, but gave no further details.

Local sources said occupation police confiscated sweets from the home of Amani Hashim, a prisoner in Beit Hanina, Jerusalem.

On the other hand, Israeli media claimed that extremist Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir asked occupation police to cover all cars carrying released Palestinian prisoners in order to prevent Palestinians from taking “victory photos”.

Forty-eight days after the Israeli army launched a devastating war against Palestinian prisoners and their families, Israel has escalated its actions against Palestinian prisoners and their families. Gaza StripAccording to the Gaza Government Media Office, the incident killed more than 14,854 Palestinian martyrs, including 6,150 children and more than 4,000 women, and more than 36,000 people were injured, 75% of whom were children and women.

A temporary humanitarian truce between Israeli and Palestinian factions came into effect on Friday. The humanitarian truce includes the release of 50 Israeli prisoners from Gaza in exchange for the release of 150 Palestinians from Israeli prisons, and the entry of hundreds of trucks full of humanitarian, relief, medical and fuel aid into all areas of the Gaza Strip.

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