
‘Anti-globalist’ Dutch politician hit on head with bottle (VIDEO) — RT World News

Thierry Baudet was repeatedly beaten by an assailant just two days before the general election in the Netherlands

Dutch politician Thierry Baudet was taken to hospital after being attacked during an election event by a man carrying a beer bottle. This incident is the second attack on Boudia in recent weeks, and it occurred two days before the general elections.

Baudet was welcoming supporters at a bar in the northern city of Groningen on Monday when the attacker repeatedly hit him in the head and neck with a bottle. Video footage showed Boudet’s security team rushing the injured political leader away while bystanders wrestled the attacker to the ground.

The attacker was arrested shortly after, while Baudet was taken to a nearby hospital. In a post on X (formerly Twitter), his Forum for Democracy (FvD) party said Baudet was treated by a surgeon and that the bottle narrowly missed his eye.

The party subsequently announced that the event, which was scheduled to be held later in the evening in the city of Zwolle, had been cancelled “For health and safety” From Baudet.

Monday’s attack came less than a month after Beaudet was beaten with an umbrella by a masked attacker at Ghent University in Belgium. Baudet suffered a slight concussion as a result of the blow, and the perpetrator of the crime – who Shouted Anti-Russian slogans during the incident were immediately arrested.

Baudet describes his party as “The most active anti-globalization movement of our time” He is a staunch critic of immigration. “Woke and LGBT propaganda” Dutch membership in the European Union and NATO. The conflict in Ukraine has been described as… “NATO’s stupid war against Russia” He praised Russian President Vladimir Putin “huge hero” In the war against America’s leadership “Globalisation”.

Founded in 2016, his party won 1.8% of the vote in the following year’s general election, which rose to 5% in 2021. Ahead of another general election this Wednesday, the FvD is currently on 3%, according to an aggregate of several candidates. Polls compiled by Politico.

Several right-wing populist politicians have come under attack across Europe in the past six weeks. AfD co-leader Tino Shrubala was hospitalized after being stabbed with a syringe during a rally in early October, while Alejo Vidal Cuadras, founder of Spain’s Vox party, was seriously injured after being shot in parliament. In Madrid earlier this month.

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