
Bashar al-Assad ‘walks’ in harsh climate | Opinion

“Siran means picnic in the local Levantine dialect.” President Assad has been known for his love of Syria since he became president in 2000.

At the beginning of his reign, when he appeared in the market of old Aleppo or in the mountains of Latakia without prior appointment or announcement, accompanied by “Asma” and some of his close friends, He often surprised people with his gorgeous heroines, completing the “Siran” scenes that Syrians were accustomed to before he had a family. The beginning of spring.

In this spring, Syrians go for a walk in the ancient towers of Damascus, smell the fragrance of apricots and almond flowers, and sit in the orchards by the Barada River given by the Creator, allowing their souls to enjoy the most beautiful enjoyment. create.

He began his presidential tour with an “unofficial” family trip to Spain, in which he visited the medina Al Zahra, after which his wife made a similar trip in 2008, announcing from Cordoba Damascus was the Arab cultural capital back then!

“Siran” after the revolution

After the outbreak of the Syrian revolution, Assad did not stop his usual walking style. He has had a strong interest in traveling since he was a child. A photo of his travels before taking office as president circulated. At that time, he carried a man hanging around his neck. holding camera.

The “walk” up the mountain began to take on a “humanitarian” overtone, as he would visit the families of the victims and give them wall clocks to remind them of the children who gave their lives for him.

He went to the destroyed “Daria” to gather grapes baptized with blood, and to As-Suwayda to give to the family of the deceased – to redeem his throne – a black goat.

The last time he was in Aleppo was after the earthquake, and he was among the affected people, laughing, the same stupid laugh that hadn’t changed. Zealand’s laughter!

This internal “mobility” is compensation for the international “mobility” that he is deprived of by his isolation.

But the siege was finally lifted, and Assad was relieved because he could now travel to countries around the world!

After years of isolation in the palace, he developed a passion for leisure travel and changing the atmosphere, as he did during his last visit to China, where he looked like a tourist trying to understand the world immediately.

This is not the case, he instructed his private TV station Syria Channel to state that the purpose of this visit is to discuss changing the world order with Chinese leaders!

When he was invited to attend an emergency Arab-Islamic summit in Riyadh, he flew there with joy and a goofy grin on his face.

Perhaps, through it, he wanted to first instil some confidence in himself that he, the most important president among those present, especially since the Arab normalization train started rolling, could impose what he wanted through threats – at the table – Ships with Captagon.

We saw the same laughter when he received an invitation from the UAE ambassador to attend a climate summit attended by one hundred and ninety-seven countries in addition to the EU.

An environmental disaster started by a father and completed by a son

The environmental disaster affecting Syria’s climate doesn’t just start at the beginning of the revolution. Its roots can be traced back to the beginning of the elder Assad’s rule, as he implemented multiple projects in the 1970s that resulted in massive casualties. Loss of wealth, destruction of the environment.

The first was the draining of the Rugi plain, which destroyed the fish wealth of the north, destroyed cotton cultivation and replaced it with potatoes, and cleared forest areas by setting fires for state expropriation. Alawite population in the mountains.

Apart from paving the Barada river and destroying the green areas on its banks to build residential buildings on its site. Replacing Syrian wheat seeds with American seeds has eliminated the original watermelon wealth and destroyed heritage communities in the cities of Hama, Jisr al-Shughour and Aleppo. Using Islamic terrorism as an excuse.

There is no doubt that the son has done thousands of times more than his father, but he is ably continuing in his father’s footsteps. He left Syria no tourist attractions, no cultural landmarks, no healthy environment. What he did went beyond Hulagu.

climate conference

The UAE could not hide its joy when Assad received the invitation to attend the meeting. His laughter echoed above the screen, expressing his immense joy at this special event.

But the joy was not over, as French justice ordered an international arrest warrant for him, including his brother Maher and two of his men, to try them on charges of chemical bombings in Ghouta.

Subsequently, the French Foreign Minister issued a statement reaffirming France’s firm position in realizing national principles related to human rights and achieving international justice (issues that have been at stake in recent decades) and giving voice to the voices of the French streets. Calls for its realization are growing louder.

The minister confirmed that Assad has not fulfilled his promises and has been hostile to his people for ten years, killing hundreds of thousands of people, in addition to becoming the largest drug trafficker in the world!

Fearing trial, Assad was forced to cancel the “climate walk” and decided to send a delegation to represent him.

The main goal of participating in the World Climate Summit is to secure funding for projects that will help improve the environment in Syria. Assad has destroyed the environment in the war he has led against his people, with recurring forest fires, oil spills in fields, devastating effects on the health of Syrians and the massive spread of cancer.

Assad is responsible for the environmental disaster in Syria, yet he ignores everything he has done and is convinced that the world is with him and turns a blind eye to his crimes!

He never expected that France would open his eyes and deprive him of the climate he was looking forward to!

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