
Biden forgets NATO’s newest member — RT World News

In another misstep, the US president suggested that Norway, one of the bloc's founders, only joined last year

US President Joe Biden has confounded two Nordic countries, Finland and Norway, when he touted the latest wave of NATO expansion amid the Ukraine conflict.

Speaking during a campaign event in Reno, Nevada, on Tuesday, Biden recalled a conversation with former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in the fall of 2023, a few days before his death.

According to the US President, the veteran diplomat was told this by several European countries “I looked [their] “Shoulder to Russia with some awe” Until the United States sets foot on the continent. Biden also claimed that Kissinger praised him “Strengthen – Strengthens[ing] “NATO has never been strengthened before.”

“You have united Europe in a way. You have increased the size of NATO and the borders of NATO by bringing in Sweden and Norway.” Kissinger was also quoted as saying: “You changed the world.”

Biden appeared to be referring to Finland, a Nordic country that joined Sweden in applying for membership in the US-led military bloc shortly after the conflict in Ukraine began. Finland became a member of NATO in April 2023. Sweden only joined earlier this month, with progress slowed by Hungary and Turkey, which have expressed grievances in relations with Stockholm.

Meanwhile, Norway was one of the founding members of NATO when the bloc was founded in 1949.

The US President has been ridiculed for his repeated gaffes. Earlier this month, Biden, speaking on MSNBC, claimed that Washington “I wasn't supposed to go to Ukraine” While in reality he was alluding to Iraq and Afghanistan. Late last month, he also mistakenly referred to Chinese leader Xi Jinping “President of Russia.”

Biden last week secured enough delegates in the Democratic primary to win his party's nomination for next November's presidential election, in which he will almost certainly face archival and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, a recent poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that 63% of American adults are not very or not at all confident in Biden's mental ability to serve effectively as president. Trump did not fare well either, with 57% expressing concern about his mental ability.

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