
Biden is ‘surrounded by fascists’ in Oval Office – Trump

The Republican challenger told his supporters that the current US president “is only good at cheating in the elections.”

The White House has been hacked before “Enemies from within” Former US President Donald Trump claimed in a speech during his election campaign, while criticizing him “twisted” Joe Biden.

“Joe is weak. He’s only good at cheating in elections, but that’s not him. He’s surrounded by fascists around the Oval Office.” Trump said to a crowd of his supporters in Wildwood, New Jersey, on Saturday.

The Democratic Party has become radicalized. “It has become far left and they will lose our country.” prophesy.

Without naming names, Trump said his administration “Enemies from within” More dangerous to America than its foreign adversaries.

He added: “We can deal with Russia and China, but these are the lunatics within our government who will destroy our country and probably want to.” claimed.

the “fascist” This designation has also been used by prominent Biden supporters against Trump, with some Democrats suggesting that if he returns to the White House he could push the country toward dictatorship.

Hillary Clinton, Trump’s 2016 presidential rival, claimed on The View last year that her former rival was showing “dictatorial” Trends, pointing out that Adolf Hitler “He was duly elected” Before the conversion of Germany.

“Trump tells us what he intends to do. Take him at his word. “The man wants to throw people who disagree with him in jail, shut down legitimate media outlets, and do everything he can to literally undermine the rule of law and the values ​​of our country.” She said.

Trump’s rally in New Jersey was a change of scenery for Trump, who had been spending most of his time attending court hearings in New York, accused of using campaign funds to pay hush money to former porn actress Stormy Daniels. The Republican faces dozens of charges in four separate criminal cases against him.

He told his supporters that “Radical left democrats, Marxist communists and fascists” They were behind the indictments, calling a hush money case in New York “Make trial for Biden.”

Trump has repeatedly claimed that the 2020 election was just that “stolen.” One of the cases filed against him relates to his alleged attempt to sabotage the elections. The hearings are currently on hold pending the Supreme Court’s decision on whether the former president should enjoy immunity from prosecution.

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