
Macron ‘denies reality’ – French Senate leader

Gerard Larcher believes the French president has dropped the ball on many domestic issues

The President of the French Senate, Gerard Larcher, has publicly criticized Emmanuel Macron’s leadership, claiming that the head of state appears disconnected from the reality and daily concerns of the French people.

In an exclusive interview with La Tribune on Sunday, Larcher was asked to assess Macron’s record, as the French president prepares to celebrate his seventh anniversary at the Elysee Palace.

“It is disappointing. I have the impression that we do not see the same country, that we do not feel the same France.” The politician responded, listing several issues “Explaining Emmanuel Macron’s denial of reality.”

First, he pointed to a significant decline in the quality of school education, citing the latest Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) study that ranked French teenagers 26th in science and mathematics and 29th in reading comprehension.

“It is not just a story of money and resources. There is a problem of transmitting values, respecting the authority of the teacher, and maintaining secularism, especially among the public.” Larcher argued.

He then addressed the issues in the healthcare sector, saying that they still exist ‘A very big concern for the French’ With the hospital system has become increasingly “bureaucracy”.

“Although we are the country with the highest rate of public spending, our health system has deteriorated severely.” Larcher pointed out that with 34% of non-medical administrative staff in hospitals, millions of French people are forced to seek private medical care every year.

Larcher also raised the lack of “State power,” This indicates escalating street violence, urban unrest, drug trafficking, challenging law enforcement, and a general deterioration in the country’s crime scene.

“All this creates mistrust. I am not saying the government has not tried. I am not saying it is simple. But this prevents any exercise of complacency. The Senate President concluded.

Emmanuel Macron first came to power in 2017, defeating Marine Le Pen of the National Rally. He was re-elected for a second term in 2022 promisingly “A new way of governing” Under the pretext that the French “I’m tired of reforms that come from the top.”

His tenure was marred by numerous public unrest, the most significant of which was the 2023 protests against pension reforms that saw the retirement age rise from 62 to 64.

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