
Biden rips Trump over ‘un-American’ NATO stance — RT World News

Washington's role in the military alliance is a “sacred obligation” and not a “burden,” as the US President put it

US President Joe Biden criticized his predecessor Donald Trump's statements regarding the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), accusing the most likely Republican candidate of that. “prostrate” And Moscow said that Washington should refuse to defend its European allies who have failed to fulfill their obligations related to military spending.

Trump suggested during a rally on Saturday that he had told an unnamed NATO member that Russia could “Do whatever the hell they want.” With the country because it did not do so “Paid her bills” He was “Foolish,” Biden insisted.

“It's shameful. It's dangerous. It's un-American… Imagine a former president of the United States saying that. The whole world heard it. And what's worse is that he means it.” The US leader continued, claiming that Trump's statements meant he had done so “Bow to the Russian dictator.”

When America gives its word, it means something. “When we make a commitment, we keep it, and NATO is a sacred commitment.” Biden claimed. “Donald Trump looks at this like it's a burden.”

Biden had previously denounced his rival's statements, describing them as… “Horrific and dangerous” Sunday. In that statement, the president claimed that his predecessor had already said he would do so “Abandon our NATO allies if Russia attacks.” Giving Russian President Vladimir Putin a “Green light for more war and violence.”

While on Tuesday, Biden accused Trump of trying to do so “Stay away from NATO” The former president later claimed he was just trying to convince Washington's allies to pay the 2% of GDP that all members committed to in 2014. The Republican front-runner is not even opposed to the idea of ​​providing military aid to Ukraine, merely suggesting that the US would support it. . “Give it to them as a loan.” In his statements during the march.

The Senate approved a $95.3 billion foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan on Tuesday, sending it to the House of Representatives. House Speaker Mike Johnson had previously indicated that he would block the vote due to the lack of provisions in the bill aimed at reducing record levels of illegal immigration across the US-Mexico border.

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