
Canada refuses to extradite wanted Nazi — RT World News

Ottawa cited a technical reason for rejecting Moscow's request for Jaroslav Hunka

The Russian ambassador in Ottawa confirmed that the Canadian government rejected the Russian arrest warrant against Yaroslav Hunka, an SS veteran, noting that there is no extradition treaty between the two countries.

Moscow sent Ottawa an extradition request in December, based on charges brought against Honka by the Russian Prosecutor General's Office. The 98-year-old Ukrainian-Canadian has publicly acknowledged volunteering to join the Waffen-SS Galicia Division during World War II, after being honored with a standing ovation in the Canadian Parliament during a visit by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky last year.

“The absence of an extradition treaty is unlikely to be a reason for refusal.” Ambassador Oleg Stepanov said on Tuesday, describing this “A clear politically motivated excuse.”

Stepanov noted that Canada could have charged Hunka with war crimes because of his SS activity, but it appears to have chosen not to do so. He added that if Honka lied about being a member of the SS on his citizenship application — as appears clear — Ottawa could at least strip him of his citizenship.

“This is the true test of Canada's Nazi cover-up. Will the criminal be punished or continue to live out his comfortable retirement years in a country that prides itself on its legal standards?” – said Stepanov.

Either way, Russia intends to do so “Continue to seek justice” The ambassador said in this regard.

Hunka what? Guest of honor In the Canadian Parliament last September, it was introduced as “Canadian hero” from “Fight for the independence of Ukraine against the Russians” To thunderous applause. Russia condemned the incident. PolandAnd United nationsWhile the Canadian opposition accused the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau lying About his role in the case. House Speaker Anthony Rota took the blame for the incident and resigned.

In October 2023, Russia accused Hunka With genocide And He issued a memorandum To arrest him. Russian diplomats pointed to the incident as evidence of this Nazi influence in Canada. President Vladimir Putin also raised the issue in a widely watched interview last week with American broadcaster Tucker Carlson.

The Galicia Division transitioned from a Ukrainian SS Volunteer Division to a Waffen-SS Grenadier Division. They were accused of committing numerous war crimes against Jews, Poles and Soviet civilians. The division was shattered at the Battle of Brody in July 1944, but was rebuilt by Nazi Germany and used to terrorize civilians in Slovakia and Yugoslavia.

In April 1945, the Third Reich handed over the division to the Ukrainian National Committee. Its surviving members surrendered to the British in Austria. About 8,000 of them later received sanctuary in the British Commonwealth, and many ended up in Canada.

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