
Borrell issues warning to Lebanon after Al Arouri's assassination | News

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell stressed the need to avoid escalation in the region during a visit to Lebanon today, Saturday, while announcing Hezbollah 'Initial response' to assassination Saleh Aluri Vice Chairman of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement (agitation), located in the southern suburbs of Beirut.

After meeting with Lebanese caretaker Prime Minister Naguib Mikati and Foreign Minister Abdullah Bou Habib, Borrell said he had seen “worrying intense fighting across the country”. blue line”, referring to the dividing line between Lebanon and Israel.

The European official said he told Israel that “if a regional conflict breaks out, no one will win” and stressed the need to avoid dragging Lebanon into such a conflict.

The Lebanese Prime Minister said, “We are peace seekers, not warmongers… We are making necessary contacts in this regard, because any large-scale explosion in southern Lebanon will lead to a comprehensive explosion in the area.”

Mikati called for “an end to Israeli violations of Lebanese sovereignty and the withdrawal of troops from Lebanese territory” and stressed Lebanon's commitment to implementing United Nations Security Council resolutions. No. 1701.

In the same context, the Lebanese Foreign Minister said he discussed with Borrell the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1701, adopted in August 2006, concerning arrangements for a cessation of fighting between Lebanon and Israel.

On the other hand, Lebanese Hezbollah announced on Saturday morning that it had launched more than 60 missiles at Israeli “air control bases” in response to the assassination of Saleh Aluri.

The party explained in a statement that its fighter jets targeted the Meron air control base with 62 missiles of various types “as a response to the death of the great leader Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri and his brother martyrs in the southern region. part of the initial response to the assassination.” Beirut suburbs. “

The missile “inflicted a direct and confirmed hit on the base,” the statement added. The base, located on the top of Mount Jarmak, includes a military installation that undertakes surveillance operations for the Israeli Air Force.

Aruri was martyred last Tuesday along with six members of the Hamas movement, including two commanders of the movement's military wing, the Qassam Brigades, in an airstrike targeting the movement's offices in a southern suburb of Beirut. The base is Beirut. This is the first such attack by Hezbollah in the Lebanese capital since the attacks began. Gaza war.

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