
US Network: News about Israel launching Operation Indigo to assassinate Hamas leaders

NBC News cited sources confirming that Israel was behind the assassination Saleh Aluri Vice Chairman of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement (agitation), stating that Tel Aviv planned a series of assassinations over several years.

The network reported today on Saturday that Israel has not officially claimed responsibility for Aruri's assassination, but the operation may be the first step in an assassination attempt in response to the attack on October 7 last year. al aqsa floods Initiated by the Palestinian resistance to occupation.

The network quoted Israeli officials as saying that the intelligence services formed a joint mission under the name “Indigo” to hunt down Hamas leaders and cadres in multiple countries.

Last Tuesday, Aluri was martyred along with six Hamas members, including two leaders Qassam Brigade The movement's military wing came under airstrike on its offices in Beirut's southern suburbs.

As they say, after his assassination, Palestinian factions issued a joint statement calling for a response to Israel in all areas and fronts.

He is the head of Israel's Internal Security Service (Shin Bet) Ronan Barr talks about the administration’s directive to hunt down Hamas leaders everywhere.

Barr said in a recording broadcast by the Israel Broadcasting Authority in early December that security services were seeking to eliminate “Hamas in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Turkey and Qatar. This may take several years.”

Hamas responded by saying that such threats reflected “the political and on-the-ground stalemate that the occupying forces are experiencing and represent a violation of the sovereignty of sister countries” and stressed that these threats will not intimidate any of the movement's leaders, whose ” The blood and blood of their families is mixed with the blood of the patient sons of the Palestinian people. “

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