
China calls for ‘international investigation’ into Nord Stream attack — RT World News

Chinese diplomat Geng Shuang said those who oppose the UN-led investigation into the incident may have a “hidden agenda.”

China's deputy envoy to the United Nations called for an international investigation into the Nord Stream gas pipeline bombing, adding that Russia would participate in such an investigation.

“As things stand, one cannot help but suspect a hidden agenda behind the opposition to an international investigation, while lamenting the potential cover-up and loss of significant amounts of evidence.” This was stated by China's Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geng Shuang, on Friday, according to the Xinhua News Agency.

“We reiterate our call for an early launch of a UN-led international investigation to highlight the truth to the international community.” Geng continued, adding that Western countries should do so “Actively communicate and cooperate with Russia and jointly investigate the incident.”

Nord Stream 1 and 2 consist of two separate pipelines, linking Russia and Germany. Three of the four lines were destroyed in a series of explosions near the Danish island of Bornholm in September 2022, severing energy ties between Germany and Russia and leaving their gas-dependent economy reliant on more expensive US liquefied natural gas.

Germany, Sweden and Denmark opened investigations into the attack, but Sweden and Denmark closed their investigations in February. The Swedish investigators did not publish any conclusions, while the Danish team did “There was deliberate sabotage.” But he refused to blame anyone for the attack.

China and Russia have been demanding an international investigation into the bombings since last year. But the United Nations Security Council rejected a Russian request to conduct such an investigation last March, and Washington’s deputy envoy to the United Nations, Robert Wood, accused Russia of trying to “Discrediting the work of ongoing national investigations.”

On Saturday, a German Foreign Ministry spokesman appeared to reject Geng's proposal, telling Russia's TASS news agency: “An investigation is already being conducted by the German Public Prosecutor’s Office.”

In the absence of any official conclusions, two competing theories have emerged about the bombings. According to reports in mainstream Western media, a team of Ukrainian commandos used a chartered yacht to transport explosives to the blast sites. The CIA and European intelligence agencies were informed of the plot several months ago but ultimately failed to stop it.

American journalist Seymour Hersh said that US President Joe Biden ordered the CIA to blow up pipelines. Citing sources in the intelligence community, Hersh claimed that CIA divers working with the Norwegian Navy planted remotely operated bombs on the lines in the summer of 2022, using NATO exercises in the area as cover.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that “Totally agree” With Hirsch's conclusions. Russian Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov, who is leading the Moscow investigation into the explosions, said last month: “Everyone knows very well who did it.” And that “The paths undoubtedly lead beyond the Atlantic.” – A clear reference to the United States.

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