
Hamas releases new hostage video — RT World News

Hamas released a video proving the lives of two hostages, including a dual American citizen. In the footage, the prisoners urge Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to reach a ceasefire agreement with Palestinian militants.

The undated video, posted on Saturday, shows Omri Miran, who is Israeli, and Keith Siegel, a dual Israeli-American citizen, speaking into the camera against a nondescript background. Miran says that he has been detained for 202 days, noting that the video was filmed on Friday.

Look at your descriptions “They are living in very difficult conditions due to the intense bombing.” While Siegel encourages Netanyahu to do so “To be more flexible in negotiations to reach an exchange agreement soon.”

“It is time to reach an agreement that will bring us home safe and alive.” Miran adds.

The video concludes with a message from Hamas to the Israeli public: “Your Nazi leaders do not care about the fate or feelings of your imprisoned sons. Realize this before it is too late.”

While Miran and Siegel likely read their statements under duress, organizations representing approximately 130 hostages believed to still be held by Hamas in Gaza share their sentiments. These groups organize weekly protests in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem demanding that Netanyahu reach an agreement with Hamas to release their loved ones.

At a rally in Tel Aviv on Saturday, Miran's father called on Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar to do so “Show some humanity” To his son, he appealed to Netanyahu for approval “Any deal is possible” To bring him home.

The video was posted on Saturday, three days after a similar clip appeared showing injured Israeli-American hostage Hersh Goldberg Pauline. “As you sit and eat holiday meals with your families, think about us, the hostages, who are still here in hell.” Goldberg Pauline said to Netanyahu in the video, referring to the Jewish Passover holiday this weekend.

Netanyahu pledged to continue waging war in Gaza until Israel achieves this “Total victory” It has so far refused to consider the movement’s request that any ceasefire agreement be permanent and include an Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.

Hamas said in a statement on Saturday that it was studying an Israeli ceasefire proposal that was presented through Egyptian and Qatari mediators earlier this month. West Jerusalem expects a response from Hamas within the next 48 hours, Israeli Channel 12 news reported later in the afternoon.

Israel and Hamas agreed to a week-long truce last November, during which 80 Israeli hostages were exchanged for 240 Palestinians detained in Israeli prisons.

As the Israeli military campaign in Gaza approaches its eight-month mark, the United Nations warned on Friday “Famine thresholds will be crossed in Gaza within the next six weeks.” Unless Israel allows it “Huge and consistent” Delivering food to the besieged enclave. According to the latest data from the Gaza Ministry of Health, at least 34,388 people have been killed since the start of the Israeli campaign, most of them women and children.

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