
Church ‘duped’ into hosting atheist trans activist’s funeral — RT World News

The priest of St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York sparked outrage after attendees at a transgender activist's funeral celebrated her as… “The mother of all whores.”

The ceremony was held on Thursday, ten days after the death of Cecilia Gentile, an Argentine-born woman, at the age of 52, at her home in Brooklyn, and was attended by 1,400 mourners, according to organizers.

Gentile was known as a convinced atheist and was described by The Times “A fierce advocate for trans people and sex workers and a powerful legislative lobbyist — as well as a bawdy and incendiary author and performer.”

In 2022, she wrote a book called Valtas: Letters to Everyone in My Hometown Who's Not My Rapist, which according to the caption is “A rich and poignant epistolary memoir about transgender childhood, sexual trauma, motherhood, and the lives of gay youth in 1970s Argentina.”

In a statement issued Saturday, the Archdiocese of New York said the church was unaware of Gentile's background and condemned the attack. “Indecent behavior” At a funeral.

“Little did the cathedral know that family and friends were requesting a funeral Mass for a Catholic, and they had no idea that our welcome and prayers would be degraded in such a deceptive and sacrilegious way.”

The church added in a follow-up statement that they had no problem with Gentile's identity, but strongly objected to it. “The behavior of some.” That made comments like “Mother of all whores” Or changed the words “Hail Maria” to “Hail Cecilia.”

Gentile's family members responded by saying that they… “Bringing precious life and radical joy to the cathedral in a historic challenge to the church’s hypocrisy and transphobia.” Under the pretext that her funeral was reversed “The love she has for her community is a testament to the impact of her tireless advocacy.”

“Gentile's homecoming service will continue, and his history will continue as a radical act of love and mourning for the revolutionary saint in our society.” The organizers said in a statement published on the X website.

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