
‘Day may come’ for EU troops in Ukraine – Kiev — RT World News

Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said that the bloc should get used to the idea of ​​direct confrontation with Russia

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba has warned that the conflict between Moscow and Kiev may reach a stage where EU countries will have to deploy combat forces in Ukraine in order to counter Russian advances.

In an interview with Politico on Monday, Kuleba complained about a decline in Western military aid to Kiev in recent months.

“Give us the damned patriots.” He said in reference to US-made air defense missile systems, which he insisted Kiev needed to target Russian planes launching guided aerial bombs. Moscow's increasing dependence on these upgraded munitions is the reason “Ukrainian forces lose their positions” The Foreign Minister claimed.

Kuleba once again expressed his regret over Republican lawmakers' resistance to attempts by US President Joe Biden's administration to pay another $60 billion in aid to Ukraine. He also rejected a question about Germany's reluctance to supply long-range Taurus missiles, saying it does “I'm tired of answering this. Sorry.”

However, French President Emmanuel Macron, who said last month that… “Can't be ruled out” The possibility of sending soldiers from NATO countries to Ukraine avoided Kuleba's criticism.

“We are pleased to see President Macron developing in this direction.” The Foreign Minister said. The French President's statements led to a wave of denials from the leaders of other NATO member states, who insisted that there were no such plans to send Western forces to Ukraine.

Kyiv never asked for this “The presence of European combat forces on the ground” But EU leaders will have to get used to the idea “The day may come” Kuliba stressed.

“I fully realize that Europeans are not accustomed to the idea of ​​war. But this is a neglect that Europeans simply cannot afford, neither for themselves nor for their children. because “If Ukraine loses, [Russian President Vladimir] Putin will not stop He said.

Putin said earlier that claims by Kiev and its foreign backers that Russia would target NATO countries were true “Nonsense.” However, in another interview, the president stressed that Moscow would treat Western forces as such “Intervention” If they are deployed in Ukraine, we will respond accordingly.

Deputy Speaker of the Russian Duma, Pyotr Tolstoy, warned Macron last week against involving Russia directly on the battlefield. “We will kill all French soldiers who set foot on Ukrainian territory. Every one who comes.” Tolstoy said in an interview with the French channel BFMTV:

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