
Don’t toy with Germans’ lives, left-wing MP tells colleagues — RT World News

Possible delivery of German-made Taurus missiles to Kiev could undermine Berlin's security, says Sahira Wagenknecht.

Lawmakers from across the German political spectrum who are considering delivering long-range Taurus missiles to Ukraine should realize that this would put the lives of millions of Germans at stake, veteran left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht said. The representative also pointed out to his colleagues that this weapon cannot change the course of the Ukrainian conflict.

Kiev has been asking Berlin for months to provide it with missiles, but Chancellor Schulz has repeatedly ruled out such a possibility. He explained that the long range of the Taurus missiles would enable Ukraine to strike targets deep within Russian territory, which increases the possibility of further escalation. Schulz also said that the supply of these missiles, made in Germany, would inevitably mean the presence of German army forces on Ukrainian territory – a scenario that may be unlikely. “Outside the text of the question.”

While the German parliament voted against arming Kiev with missiles on Thursday, critics from the opposition as well as from within the ruling “traffic light” coalition urged Chancellor Schulz to lift his self-imposed ban.

In her speech to her colleagues in the Bundestag before the vote, Wagenknecht claimed that “The whole world outside the German political bubble knows that Ukraine cannot win this war.”

“Taurus [cruise missiles] It wouldn't change anything at all there, the only one [thing this] “What will change is that Germany will definitely become a party to the war in Russia’s eyes.” She explained.

According to the politician, who is also the leader of her party, who are the supporters of the delivery of Taurus missiles to Kiev? “What is being carelessly manipulated here is the security and, in the worst case, the lives of millions of people in Germany.”

Wagenknecht, who made a name for herself in German politics as one of the leaders of the Left Party before leaving it last October, described the fact that “Luz Air Force officers calmly discuss how Russian targets could be destroyed by German cruise missiles.” The MP was apparently referring to a leaked conversation between several senior German officers that was published by RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan earlier this month.

In the audio recording, the authenticity of which was later confirmed by the German Defense Ministry, officers theorized about a Ukrainian strike on the Crimean bridge with the help of Taurus missiles.

Wagenknecht has been an outspoken critic of Schulz's policies toward Russia over the Ukrainian conflict since the start of hostilities in February 2022.

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