
Families of Israeli “detainees” expel a minister and ask: Did the army kill two “kidnapped women”?

Israeli media broadcast scenes of the deportations of families of prisoners from Israeli-occupied territories, as well as a march in Jerusalem organized by Israeli Culture and Sports Minister Mickey Zohar to demand a prisoner exchange agreement with the Islamic Resistance (agitation), and shouted slogans, accusing the Israeli Prime Minister of Benjamin Netanyahu They were responsible for the failure on October 7th.

The video shows the Israeli minister trying to talk to some of the participants but they shouted angry slogans in his face, including “get out of here” and “shame… scandal”, while the minister told the media he knew He will get “screamed”, but that doesn’t matter.

The minister continued: “I want to say in the clearest possible way that we will do everything we can to get everyone home and the divisive approach they are trying to impose on us is not right. We want everyone back and we know that, Without this, it would be impossible to win the war, and if they have any left, “this cannot be considered an achievement that we have achieved for the people of Israel.”

A resident who participated in the march confronted him and said angrily: “Seven members of my family have been kidnapped and they must all come back now. Don’t ask us to be patient and relax. The one who failed on October 7th is Netanya Hu and those in the soft chairs.”

Another asked: “Can you confirm to me that the two bodies found were not killed by bullets from our army? The army must tell us.” The minister replied: “I cannot confirm this,” she replied : “So you can’t confirm that a fragmented approach “won’t pay off”.

In this context, another participant stated that his wife and daughter were among those detained in the Palestinian resistance movement. Gaza“I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if this (two female detainees were killed by military-style bullets) was confirmed, so I’m not sure the ground mobility issue will help us.”

Our patience has run out

Hadas Chaldron, a family member of three detainees, said their patience had run out and they were angry, adding, “What happened? Do we have to accept that every once in a while? How many bodies will be returned to our new standard?” “How many days? I’m angry. I’m angry. I want to know.” Who is going to vote while sacrificing our children?

“When you talk about killing Hamas personnel, and you say we eliminated them, or you talk about razing tunnels, we must never forget that our children are out there and they could be hurt,” Childron continued. He added, “What’s happening” here? Where are our humanitarian standards? ”

In a related context, Presidential Reserve General Danny Yatom confirmed Mossad Previously, he said in an interview that the consequences of judicial reform and the protests that followed were impossible to separate from what happened on October 7, adding, “The enemy looks at us and sees us from within erosion and blaming it on us.” To us, the power of the spider web…we know who started this deterioration. ”

Meanwhile, former National Security Council chairman Yakov Amidrol, a reservist general, believes that failure to respond to U.S. requests for humanitarian aid is useless and an “artificial disturbance.” In that context, he said, “it doesn’t matter.” If Hamas has more food, water or fuel than “it doesn’t make her a more formidable enemy.”

He continued: “Maybe she will be more tired, or there will be more problems, but this is not the factor that determines the fate of the battle. Therefore, the legality conditions of this issue must be met, and it is more important.” Than imagined for Hama Sri Lanka’s assistance is more important, because helping Hamas on this issue is insignificant and does not mean that it will become an enemy. “Harsh and complex.

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