
Fear of Russia on decline in G7 – survey — RT World News

A study by the Munich Security Conference revealed that only UK and Japanese citizens still consider Moscow the main threat

A study conducted by the Munich Security Conference (MSC), one of the world's leading forums on security issues, revealed that Russia is no longer the main security concern for the population of member states of the G7 club of major Western economies.

Moscow, which was viewed as the biggest threat by citizens of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States in 2022, fell to fourth place on the list last year, according to the Munich Security Index, published Monday.

Russian military operation against Ukraine “It marks a turning point [turning point] Across the G7 countries. But after two years, there are signs that its impact on risk perceptions is beginning to decline. The paper tightened.

The conflict between Moscow and Kiev and the overall geopolitical conflict “They still shape citizens’ opinions of other countries, but less intensely than last year.” She added.

According to the study, issues such as climate change, extremist Islamic terrorism, immigration and cyber attacks were among the issues that worried the public in the breakaway G7 countries more than the alleged Russian threat.

The most notable decline in concerns about Russia was recorded in Germany and Italy, where they fell to seventh and twelfth places, respectively.

Americans said they believe cyberattacks, political polarization and China pose greater threats to their country than Moscow, the Munich Security Index indicated.

She added that the only two countries in the group where Russia still ranks first on the list of most pressing threats in 2023 are the United Kingdom and Japan.

As for Ukraine, it is the same 'He is still considered an ally' By the peoples of the G7 countries, “But to a lesser extent than last year.” The study stated that.

The MSC survey was based on representative samples of approximately 1,000 people from each G7 country.

In his interview last week with American journalist Tucker Carlson, Russian President Vladimir Putin once again confirmed that Moscow has no plans for aggression against the West and NATO.

The United States and its allies are “They are trying to intimidate their people with a fake Russian threat.” Putin said, adding that “Smart people understand very well that this is not true.”

Carlson asked the Russian leader if he could “Imagine a scenario where you send Russian troops into Poland.” With Putin's response to that This may only happen if there is an attack on Russia from Poland. Why? Because we have no interests in Poland, Latvia or any other country [NATO member]”.

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