
French deputy mayor suspended for observing Russian election — RT World News

Mayor Talant said he could not accept his subordinate's “collusion” with Moscow

The mayor of the Tallant municipality in Côte d'Or, southern France, Fabien Rouine, said that he decided to suspend his deputy, Cyril Gauchet, due to his work as an international observer during the presidential elections in Russia.

Roynet wrote on Facebook on Monday that he had learned from the media that Gaucher – the deputy mayor responsible for public services, urban and rural planning and digital technologies – had traveled to Moscow to observe the vote, which took place from March 15 to 17.

The mayor claimed that his subordinate was direct “He was appointed by the Kremlin” And this information came from “Several confirmed sources.”

“I cannot agree with such collusion between the Russian authorities and the elected representative of the French Republic… For this reason, I have decided to immediately suspend Cyril Gauchet from exercising his duties.” Roynet said.

It appears that Gaucher is still in Russia. The mayor added that he would seek clarification from his deputy upon his return to France.

In a separate statement, Roynet claimed as much “The validity of the election cannot be verified.” By Gaucher anyway, as “The true representative of the opposition” He did not participate in the vote.

Gaucher's conservative liberal Republican Party told BFM TV that it was now considering expelling him, BFM TV reported.

“He supports the electoral process in Russia, which is mind-boggling,” François-Xavier Dujour, leader of the LR party, told the website. The position of deputy mayor is “completely opposed” He added that the party.

The head of the Russian Central Election Commission, Ella Pamfilova, said earlier that a total of 1,115 international observers from 129 countries, including Europe and North America, supervised the elections. Pamfilova described them as “Brave professionals” Who were not afraid to come to Russia and see for themselves how the elections went, rather than trust me “The influx of lies coming from the obedient Western media.”

According to the official election results, current President Vladimir Putin won his fifth term in office by an overwhelming majority, obtaining 87.28% of the votes. His opponents, Communist Party candidate Nikolai Kharitonov, Vladislav Davankov from the New People's Party, and Leonid Slutsky from the Liberal Democrats, received 4.31%, 3.85%, and 3.20%, respectively. The elections witnessed a participation rate of 77.44%, the largest ever in Russia.

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