
Germany could hike military spending – defense minister — RT World News

NATO allies, most notably the United States under Donald Trump, have repeatedly criticized Berlin for failing to pull its weight.

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said Germany may increase its defense spending to up to 3.5% of GDP. However, he expressed some doubts about Berlin's ability to maintain military spending at this level in the long term.

NATO member states, especially the United States under former President Donald Trump, have repeatedly criticized Germany for failing to reach the bloc's goal of spending at least 2% of gross domestic product on defense. After the Russian attack on Ukraine began almost two years ago, Chancellor Olaf Scholz pledged to begin investing in the German military in earnest.

To this end, his government established a special fund with a total value of about 100 billion euros (108 billion US dollars).

Pistorius said at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday that Berlin “It could be as high as 3% or maybe even 3.5%.” With the number depending on “What is happening in the world and in our economy” As reported by Bloomberg. The minister explained that Germany seeks, among other things, to enhance its weapons manufacturing capacity.

According to Pistorius, Germany and other European countries should not be satisfied with reaching the NATO target of 2%, because that “It could only be the starting point.”

At the same event, Chancellor Scholz pledged that Germany would meet its NATO spending commitments “In the 2020s, 2030s and beyond.” However, his Defense Minister acknowledged that there is a big question mark hanging over where the country will be able to find the money once the special fund is exhausted after 2027.

Over the past few months, Pistorius has repeatedly spoken of the need for a comprehensive upgrade of the German army and the creation of a German military force. 'Credible deterrent' Facing a possible military confrontation with Russia in the future.

The minister explained last month that while He added: “At the present time, I do not see any danger of a Russian attack on NATO territory or on any NATO partner country.” The situation could change down the road.

Commenting on Pistorius' statements in January, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov denied that Russia had any such plans, claiming that politicians in European countries were increasingly using Russia's image. “External enemy” As a distraction tactic amidst various problems at home.

Around the same time, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov confirmed this “No one wants a big war” Especially Moscow.

President Vladimir Putin has also stated on multiple occasions that Russia has done so “No geopolitical, economic, or military interest.” In provoking conflict with NATO.

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