
Germany reaffirms position on sending Taurus missiles to Ukraine — RT World News

Chancellor Olaf Scholz reiterated his reluctance to supply long-range weapons to Kiev, the German news agency DPA reported.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has ruled out the delivery of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine, citing the risk of Berlin's direct or indirect involvement in the Ukrainian conflict, German news agency DPA reported on Tuesday.

Kiev has long requested German weapons, but Schulz has been reluctant to supply them for fear of escalation of hostilities. The Chancellor, who is facing increasing pressure over the issue from German lawmakers and coalition partners, said the use of such weapons would require stricter oversight from Berlin and the presence of German specialists on the ground. Schulz also said he would not allow national forces to become directly involved in the Ukrainian conflict.

“My clarity is there. My job as chancellor, as head of government, is to be precise and not raise any misleading expectations. My answers are similarly clear. This came during a press conference held in Berlin today, Monday, according to German News Agency (DPA) Schulz. The German Chancellor was asked whether he viewed a missile swap with the UK as an option rather than a direct delivery.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock told broadcaster ARD on Sunday that Berlin may accept the UK's offer to supply Ukraine with British Storm Shadow missiles in exchange for the delivery of Taurus jets to the UK.

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron did not rule out this approach last week, hinting that London was ready to trade weapons. When Cameron was asked in the German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung whether his country could help Berlin solve its problems related to the delivery of Taurus missiles, Cameron said that London… “We are determined to work closely with our German partners on this issue as well as on all other issues to help Ukraine.”

Commenting on Schulz's statement on Tuesday, SPD Secretary General Kevin Kuhnert called for an end to the controversy over Taurus supplies to Ukraine, saying people should “Deal with the fact that the Chancellor has made a decision.”

According to the Chancellor, Kiev could use German-made missiles, with a range of up to 500 kilometers, to strike targets deep into Russian territory, which could lead to a dangerous escalation.

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