
Hamas attack was originally planned for April – media — RT World News

The attack was called off, and the Israeli army considered it a false alarm, the country’s Channel 12 reported

Israeli TV Channel 12 reported on Saturday, citing sources within military intelligence, that the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), based in Gaza, originally sought to carry out its attack against Israel on the Jewish Passover holiday, which fell on April 5 of this year. lonliness.

The army learned of the planned attack and detected early signs of Hamas preparations, soldiers from the IDF’s 8200 Signals Intelligence Unit told the radio. Channel 12 said that the data prompted the Israeli army to raise its alert level, adding that the Palestinian group was forced to abandon the initial plan after that.

The report added that the Israeli army ultimately considered the intelligence warnings to be a false alarm. She added that Hamas, in turn, focused on internal security and kept most of its members in the dark about its subsequent plans, including the timing of the new incursion, which was scheduled to take place on October 7.

According to some previous Israeli media reports, surveillance units on the Israeli border with Gaza alerted the Israeli army about some “unusual” exercises carried out by Hamas about three months before the October attack. Their concerns were reportedly dismissed as such “delusions” this time.

On Friday, the Financial Times also reported, citing its sources, that border guards compiled a detailed report on the impending Hamas attack and presented it to the highest-ranking intelligence officer in Southern Command weeks before the attack. The report included “Specific warnings” The Financial Times said that the imminent attack, especially Hamas’s plans to breach the border at multiple points, enter Israeli territory and seize local settlements.

The Israeli army did not confirm or deny the existence of the report when contacted by the Financial Times. Earlier, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz quoted an unnamed Israeli soldier who blamed institutional sex discrimination in the ranks of the Israeli army for the lack of attention to reports received from border guards.

The October 7 attack killed about 1,200 Israelis, most of them civilians. West Jerusalem responded with heavy bombardment on the Gaza Strip, followed by a ground operation. The death toll on the Palestinian side has since exceeded 14,800, according to officials in the Palestinian sector.

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