
Hamas names terms for laying down arms — RT World News

A senior official in the armed movement said that it would turn into a purely political party if the Palestinians obtained their own state

Hamas is ready to lay down arms if a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is reached along the pre-1967 borders, a senior political official in the movement, Khalil al-Hayya, told the Associated Press. Hamas, whose stated goal is the destruction of Israel, has previously flatly rejected such a possibility.

Al-Hayya said in an interview on Thursday that Hamas wants to join the Palestine Liberation Organization to form a unified government that controls Gaza and the West Bank.

Hamas will agree to this “A Palestinian state with full sovereignty in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and the return of Palestinian refugees in accordance with international resolutions.” Along Israel's pre-1967 borders, he claimed.

As a result of the Six-Day War between Israel and a coalition of Arab states, the Jewish state occupied the West Bank, Gaza, the Syrian Golan Heights and other areas.

The official representing the movement in the now-stalled ceasefire and prisoner exchange talks with Israel stressed that if a two-state solution is reached, Hamas' military wing will be disbanded.

“All the experiences of the people who struggled against the occupiers, when they gained independence and obtained their rights and their state, what did these forces do? They have turned into political parties and the fighting forces defending them have turned into the national army.” The snake explained.

According to the Associated Press, it is “unlikely” Israel will consider such a scenario, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged to continue fighting Hamas until it is completely eliminated, and has repeatedly spoken against the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state.

In January, another senior Hamas official – Khaled Meshal – told Kuwaiti broadcaster Ammar Taqi that We have nothing to do with the two-state solution.” Members of the group “Reject this idea, because it means that you will be promised… [Palestinian] A state, but what is required of you is to recognize the legitimacy of the other state, which is the Zionist entity.” He said.

Meshaal stressed that the attack launched by Hamas on Israel on October 7, which killed at least 1,200 people and took 250 hostage, was a signal that the Palestinians are capable of regaining all their lands. “I believe that the dream and hope for Palestine from the river to the sea and from north to south have been renewed.” He said.

The death toll from Israeli air strikes and ground offensive in Gaza, in response to the Hamas incursion, has exceeded 34,305, in addition to 77,293 wounded, according to the latest data issued by the Ministry of Health in the Palestinian enclave.

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