
Houthi armed forces hijack Israeli ship in Red Sea

Al-Masirah Channel, affiliated with…Houthis Yemeni television yesterday showed scenes of a military operation in the Red Sea that took control of a cargo ship partly owned by an Israeli businessman and operated by a Japanese company.

The footage showed a helicopter landing on the deck of the ship. Multiple armed fighters from the organization got off the helicopter, conducted deployment operations on the ship, and rushed in without any resistance from the crew. The ship’s command room.

One of the group’s fighters chants “God is great…Death to America, death to Israel” as he patrols the interior of the ship, while the clip ends with an exterior scene of the ship in motion, surrounded by numerous small boats that appear to belongs to this group.

The Houthis announced yesterday that they had brought an Israeli ship to the coast of Yemen. The Israeli army deemed the incident “extremely dangerous on a global scale” while the Israeli prime minister described it as an “act of Iranian terror”.

Houthi spokesman Yahya al-Sarri announced Sunday evening that their naval forces had carried out what he called a military operation in the Red Sea, “the results of which included the seizure of an Israeli ship and its taking to the Yemeni coast”. “

Saare said in a video statement posted through his account about the Israeli-owned Orr vessel.

Earlier, Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarri said that “the organization will target all ships owned or managed by Israeli companies or flying the Israeli flag” and called on all countries in the world to withdraw ships working within the territory of the Houthi armed forces. citizen. team on these vessels and avoid transporting on board or dealing with them.

Sarri added via the group’s Telegram channel that this was “out of religious, national and moral responsibility and in view of the fact that the Gaza Strip is suffering from brutal aggression by Israel and the United States, with daily massacres and genocide.”

Last Tuesday, the Houthis announced the launch of a batch of ballistic missiles at targets in Israel, with the group’s leader threatening to Abdul Malik Houthis Targeting Israeli ships in the Red Seamandemen.

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