
Military experts: Israel has not yet started the second phase of ground attack, Qassam losses are invalid | News

Military and strategy expert Maj. Gen. Fayez al-Duwari downplayed claims of a second phase of Israel’s ground attack Gaza StripThink there is a loss in the team Qassam Brigade The military wing of the Islamic resistance movementagitation“Logically, but it doesn’t work as well as Tel Aviv claims.

Duhuaili told Al Jazeera’s military analysis that the leader’s words Israel Regarding the second phase of the ground operation in Gaza, it was “not consistent with reality,” suggesting that what actually occurred was a development and expansion of the first phase.

He pointed out that as the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood (east of Gaza) and the Jabaliya camp (north of the Gaza Strip) entered the ground battle line, the conflict line expanded to 30 and 32 kilometers and was attacked from both sides. direction, which explains the intensity of the fighting, citing figures revealed by the Qassam Brigades yesterday Sunday, 29 vehicles were attacked. This means approximately 150 people were killed or injured.

Regarding the importance of the presence of Israeli ambulances and evacuation helicopters, Duvali said it was logical given that the serious injuries caused by the occupying forces had to be dealt with quickly.

He stressed that the second phase of the ground operation requires new troops and targets, noting a decrease in the intensity of fighting and clashes on Monday. He asked, “Is this motivated by a desire to avoid the mistakes of yesterday, Sunday, given the heavy losses in the ranks of the occupying forces?”

As for the most prominent challenge for both sides, military experts said that due to differences in their respective capabilities, the occupation forces penetrate deeper into Gaza. The more intense the conflict, the greater the losses for both sides.

But at the same time, Duvali rejected the occupation forces’ claims that the blows suffered by Hamas militants were strong and devastating, noting that “if they did so, it would affect battlefield performance and battle management.”

Regarding the new U.S. military support for Israel, Duvaly emphasized that the supply process has been ongoing since October 8 last year and pointed out that Israel exaggerated and excessively used ammunition. This is evident from the widespread destruction in Gaza.

He added that this overuse affected the stockpile, and the United States began to recoup losses and strengthen the stockpile, and then reviewed some of the weapons being discussed, such as Hellfire missiles for drones and Apache helicopters.

At the end of the analysis he talks about the Burkan missiles he used Hezbollah The Lebanese army bombed an occupation military camp on the northern border of Lebanon, he said, with a range of up to 10 kilograms and an explosive head weighing between 300 and 500 kilograms. It was also launched from a platform mounted on a truck or truck. From underground.

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