
Indonesian hospital in Gaza evacuates 200 patients, news of medical supplies sent to Jakarta

Ministry of Health announced Gaza An Indonesian hospital in Gaza City, south of the Gaza Strip, had 200 patients evacuated hours after it came under deadly Israeli bombing. Jakarta condemned the move and reiterated its continued support for the Palestinians in Gaza.

Health Ministry spokesman Ashraf Al-Qudra told AFP that 200 people were evacuated from Jabaliya Hospital to the Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip yesterday (Monday).

He added that Israeli forces are laying siege to Indonesian hospitals and we fear it will be repeated. Located in Al-Shifa ComplexA reference to Gaza’s largest hospital, which was surrounded and attacked by Israeli occupying forces.

The process of evacuating patients from Indonesian hospitals was coordinated with… International Committee of the Red CrossThat was the doctor’s offer after Israel bombed an ambulance in northern Gaza.

“There are still 400 patients in the hospital and we are working with the International Committee of the Red Cross to evacuate them,” Kudela said, noting that there were about two thousand displaced people in and around the hospital.

she expressed global health organization She expressed fear over yesterday’s Monday attack on an Indonesian hospital in the northern Gaza Strip.

In a statement issued yesterday, the organization explained that Indonesian hospitals have been attacked at least five times since October 7 last year, with the last attack reportedly killing at least 12 people, including patients and their families living in Hospital Companions. Hospital.

She added: “According to the latest reports, Indonesian hospitals are still under siege and no one is allowed in or out of the hospital. There are also reports that people trying to leave were shot, but no one was injured or injured.” Death toll so far . ”

The Israeli occupying forces laid siege to Indonesian hospitals, following a similar policy targeting the Shifa Medical Center west of Gaza City and other hospitals in the northern and central Gaza Strip, with the aim of forcibly evacuating the sick, wounded and displaced from those hospitals.

The occupying forces launched a destructive aggression and war against Gaza for the 46th consecutive day, killing more than 13,300 Palestinian martyrs, including more than 5,600 children and 3,500 women, and more than 31,000 injured, 75% of whom were children and women, according to the Gaza government The media office reported yesterday evening, Monday.

Indonesia condemns

“Indonesia condemns in the strongest terms the Israeli attack on the Indonesian hospital in Gaza,” Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said in a statement issued in the Chinese capital Beijing.

Masoudi added that her visit to China as a member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation delegation was aimed at garnering international support for an immediate ceasefire.

The Indonesian minister’s statement came after Indonesian President Joko Widodo issued another statement in Jakarta, in which he confirmed that Indonesia will continue to provide political support to the Palestinian people and will continue to support their struggle.

Widodo spoke of his country’s commitment to provide more planes carrying medical aid, hospital equipment, food supplies and other needs for the people of Gaza.

The Indonesian Medical Relief and Emergency Committee (Mercy Indonesia), a non-governmental relief association that oversees the construction of Indonesian hospitals in Gaza, also condemned the attack on the hospital and said it was unfortunate.

The committee questioned the applicability of international law protecting hospitals and asked Israel not to violate the hospital’s sanctity, noting that there were three Indonesian volunteers inside the Gaza hospital.

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