
Jakarta condemns attack on Indonesian hospital in Gaza and calls for international intervention

I denounce Indonesia We condemn in the strongest terms the Israeli occupation attacks on Indonesian hospitals Gaza StripIt has been under bombardment by occupying forces since this morning.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said “this attack is a clear violation of international humanitarian law” and called on all “countries close to Israel to use all their capabilities and influence to force Israel to stop its atrocities.”

The minister explained that her department had “lost contact with three of its citizens who were working as volunteers at the Indonesian hospital in Gaza.”

Masoudi pointed out UNRWA In Gaza, she also lost contact with everyone at the Indonesian hospital in Gaza, adding that she had tried “to contact the World Health Organization and the International Red Cross, but I have not received a reply yet.”

The Palestinian Health Ministry said the occupying forces were laying siege to the Indonesian hospital, which houses some 700 medical staff and the wounded in addition to displaced people, and warned against a repeat of the occupation’s mistakes. Shifa Medical Center There.

The Gaza government media office also warned that occupation forces would carry out new massacres at Indonesian hospitals against medical staff, patients, wounded and displaced people trapped inside.

It is worth noting that the Indonesian Medical Relief and Emergency Committee (Merci Indonesia) oversees hospital construction in this sector.

In a related context, Serbini Abdu Murad, a member of Charity Indonesia asked United Nations Security Council Take concrete steps to stop the war and reach an armistice to end the bloodshed in Gaza.

Indonesian Mercy Committee officials also called on Israel not to violate his sacred status Hospital.

It is worth noting that the Indonesian military is working to send a hospital ship full of medical and humanitarian aid to the residents of the Gaza Strip.

Indonesia is witnessing a series of demonstrations and marches that move from one city to another, often including raising funds for Gaza residents.

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