
Khaled Meshaal talks about the situation of the resistance movement and its leaders after about 50 days of war news

Leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement (agitation) external Khalid Mishal About putting the resistor in Gaza Its military leadership stressed after about 50 days of fighting that the movement was prepared for a long war.

Speaking online at the opening of the International Islamic Parliamentarians Forum in Istanbul yesterday Friday, Meshal said, “The resistance is good. Yes, there are martyrs among the fighters, leaders and governments and some military leaders, “but not the first a row. Still, the resistance is good, with weapons, tunnels, and leadership. “Salima.” “

He continued: “We are ready for a long war, but we do not want it to continue. The humanitarian situation hurts us, but it does not stop us from moving forward. Leaders have also been martyred and they have relatives among the people. “martyr. “

“The enemy cannot achieve anything. It is true that some Gazans have been displaced from the north (southern Gaza Strip), but the majority remain,” Meshaal stressed.

Regarding future possibilities, the Hamas leader said that all plans “will be trampled on by the resistance heroes and the post-war Gaza government will not listen to their whims.”

The Israeli government has said it will not allow Hamas to run Gaza after the war and the army will maintain full security control, while Washington has warned it not to reoccupy Gaza and called for unifying the administration of Gaza with the West Bank.


Regarding the truce that came into effect on Friday yesterday, Meshaal said: “From the first day, we expressed our readiness to release civilians into the hands of resistance groups, factions and people because they were captured due to the collapse of the Israeli army.” , we released some of them at the outset to counter Israel’s claims. “

He emphasized that the temporary humanitarian truce aims to achieve three results: the release of prisoners, the cessation of aggression, and the provision of assistance.

The ceasefire agreement between Hamas and Israel, brokered through Qatar, is expected to last four days and can be extended.

The deal includes the release of 50 Israeli women and children in Gaza in exchange for the release of 150 Palestinian women and children from Israeli prisons, as well as the entry of hundreds of trucks full of humanitarian aid and fuel into all parts of the Gaza Strip.

Israel’s devastating war in the Gaza Strip has claimed 14,854 martyrs in approximately 50 days, including 6,150 children and more than 4,000 women, more than 36,000 injured and an estimated 7,000 missing in Rasvi, according to the government. Media Office on Garth Avenue.

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