
Macron calls for ‘isolation’ of Iran — RT World News

The French President condemned Tehran's attack on Israel and called for tightening sanctions

French President Emmanuel Macron called for tougher international sanctions on Iran after its attack on Israel over the weekend.

Tehran carried out a large-scale air strike on Israeli territory on Saturday in response to the bombing of the Iranian embassy in Damascus earlier this month. Israel neither confirmed nor denied its role in the bombing, but Defense Minister Yoav Galant later implied its responsibility.

In an interview with BFMTV and RMC Radio, Macron condemned Iran's response, calling it “the Iranian response.” “Disproportionately”.

“Instead of targeting Israeli interests outside Israel, [Tehran] They pursued Israel on its lands, and attacked from their lands, and this is the first of its kind.” Pointing out that the air strikes caused “deep rip” In the already tense relations between the two Middle Eastern countries, paving the way for more 'Serious reactions' On both sides.

Macron told the international community “We will do everything to avoid escalation.” In the conflict, he urged Israel not to respond with military means. Instead, he said the focus should be on… “isolation” Iran called for more sanctions to be imposed on Tehran, including… “Increasing pressure on its nuclear activities” Which he thinks will help “Finding a path to peace in the region.”

Iran justified Saturday's attack by citing its right to self-defense under Article 51 of the United Nations Charter. It also pledged not to take further action unless Israel launched another strike, but warned that a military response would lead to greater escalation. Israel has called Iran 'The biggest threat' For regional and global peace, and called for it “Painful punishments” on Tehran, including its nuclear industry.

Iran has been subject to various international sanctions for decades amid fears in the West that its uranium enrichment program aims to produce a nuclear bomb. Sanctions were eased somewhat in 2015 when Tehran agreed to some restrictions on the program under the Iran nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), between Iran, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia and China. , and the European Union.

However, the agreement was canceled in 2018 after then-US President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew from it and reimposed old sanctions on Tehran. Numerous attempts to revive the deal in recent years have proven unsuccessful.

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