
Masked ‘cybertorrent Al-Aqsa’ announces Israeli Defense Department hacked technology

At this moment, gunfire and explosions rang out on the battlefield. Gaza Strip After Israel launched a ground attack there, it has not yet achieved a clear victory. A cyber war is being carried out secretly and silently. The battlefield is the Internet, communications and servers, and the Israelis are not involved in it. Has obvious advantages.

Hackers break into IKEA and Israeli companies

A hacker group calling itself “The Network” announced… al aqsa floods“(Cyber ​​Toufan Operations) was responsible for hacking multiple Israeli websites over the weekend and stealing multiple files from web hosting company Signature-IT, whose clients include commercial companies such as Ace, Shefa Online and Home Center, Auto Depot and IKEA.

A video also surfaced on the group’s Telegram channel, in which the hackers said they were able to infiltrate the Israeli Defense Ministry and obtain millions of data on reservists and the Israeli military.

A report from Yedioth Ahronoth and Ynet confirmed that Signature IT’s servers were subject to a massive hack. According to information obtained by Ynet, the stolen documents include tens of thousands of employee and customer details as well as details of transactions made by the company. It was clear that the procedure was not intended to extort ransom but to cause harm, the report said.

Al-Nuevove newspaper reported that groups expressing support for the Islamic resistance movement Hamas were able to steal a total of approximately 16GB of data files that appeared to have been stolen from the databases of various websites stored on the company’s servers.

Signature IT is considered one of the largest hosting companies and its clients include government agencies, organizations, and large corporations.

Information security company Check Point said the incident could last several days and the scope of the damage remains unclear. She added: “We are aware that Signature IT suffered the same hack. The leak included a database file.”

Al-Aqsa Cyber ​​Flood Organization
A snapshot of the group’s video shows a photo of one of the soldiers viewed in the clip and information about them (Social Network)

The file appears to contain information about the virtual store, which includes approximately 2.2 million users who shop on the site.

An analysis of the hacker data by Jackie Altal, CEO of consulting firm Yahav Cyber ​​Solutions and director of cyber forensics at the college, showed that somewhere between 2.5 and 3 million records were exposed, containing at least names, email addresses and phone numbers. Phone number and address, some of which also include the last four digits of your credit card, and other details provided when ordering delivery. It’s unclear whether full credit card details or other data were compromised.

It should be noted that most companies’ websites are for marketing purposes only, with the exception of websites where products can be purchased online.

Hack the Ministry of Defense

In a video posted by the online torrent Al-Aqsa Group on its Telegram account, a masked man described the group’s successful infiltration of the Israeli Defense Ministry and accessed multiple pieces of information about Israel’s North Gaza military division.

In the video, the masked man begins to check the names, ranks, service numbers and places of residence of Israeli soldiers in the North Gaza Division.

The information mentioned by the masked man was not limited to Israeli soldiers. He also mentioned that the Islamic Resistance had obtained information and photos of soldiers with dual nationality from Canada, Belgium, Ukraine and other countries.

Al-Aqsa Cyber ​​Flood Organization
Internet torrent Snapshot of video broadcast by Al-Aqsa showing message from a soldier from the northern Gaza division (Media)

racists and sick

In another video, a masked man from the Al-Aqsa Cyber ​​Flood Squad appears to speak of “very private” information about the Israeli soldiers’ evaluations by their superiors, as well as medical information about them. The masked men said they obtained information that showed how the occupying forces treated soldiers and how they were classified and assessed.

Showing some of the names, the masked man said the officer in charge added the word “Negro” next to some of the soldiers’ names to indicate his skin color and that he was of African descent. , reflecting racist views of dark-skinned people within the occupying forces.

The masked men also reviewed the names of soldiers whose files contained embarrassing information about their personal lives and mental illnesses suffered by their commanders in secret files obtained by the group in a recent hack. They are mentioned in .

Some of the soldiers wrote their mental states next to their names, making it clear that some of them suffered from serious psychological problems.

Al-Aqsa Cyber ​​Flood Organization
A video clip released by Al-Aqsa Cyber ​​Group shows information about a hacker attack on the Israeli Defense Ministry (Media)

Strong penetrating ability

The hacking of the Defense Department was not confirmed by the Defense Department or Israeli media channels, as they did with the hacking of the hosting company and its corporate and commercial customers.

While the attack on Signature IT affected dozens of sites in Israel, including government offices, many government departments such as the Israel Defense Forces purchased a service from the company to build a secondary site that was publicly accessible and publicly accessible. The fact that the Ministry was hacked means that the potential of this organization is huge.

The identity of the attacker has not been revealed. However, Ilan Musleh, director of information and cybersecurity at Bayna Computer Communications, said: Hamas’ deadly attacks on Israel also take the form of cyberattacks in the digital space and appear to be in the possession of The Al-Aqsa Cyber ​​Flood group has been used against organizations, companies and individuals with the help of Iran, a country capable of conducting cyber attacks.

“During times of crisis, the threat of cyberattacks increases,” Mouslay said. Check Point confirmed this, reporting an 18% increase in cyberattacks against Israel in mid-October. Meanwhile, the Israeli economy is partly under siege as hundreds of thousands of reservist soldiers are recruited, forcing hundreds of thousands out of work.

Musleh added that growing cyber threats and manpower shortages are affecting Israel’s cyberspace, as organizations and companies’ defense systems constitute a major weakness in preventing attacks and making early detection of attacks difficult. In addition to potential financial losses, organizations are increasingly aware of the damage to their image caused by cyberattacks.

Musleh emphasized, “No organization or company is immune to the impact of a cyber incident, so contemporary cyber defense approaches focus on identifying the incident as quickly as possible, handling the incident and returning to normal in the shortest possible time, in addition to raising employee awareness levels of the issue. , it is important to start with a comprehensive solution that provides proactive, multi-layered security against cyber threats and attacks.”

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