
Meta to flag AI-generated content — RT World News

The parent company of Facebook and Instagram will extract and classify bot-generated videos, images and audio

The tech giant has announced that Meta will begin labeling AI-generated content on Facebook and Instagram from May onwards. Until now, the company had a policy of deleting such computer-generated content.

The company will apply “Made with artificial intelligence” Labels for image, audio or video content created using artificial intelligence, in a blog post on Friday. These ratings will be applied automatically when Meta detects them “Cross-industry signals” for AI content, or when users voluntarily disclose that something they post was created using AI.

If the content in question carries “A particularly high risk of materially deceiving the public about a matter of importance.” Meta stated that a clearer nomenclature could be applied.

Currently, Meta's “manipulated media” policy only covers manipulated videos “Created or modified by artificial intelligence to make a person appear to be saying something they did not say.” Content that violates this policy will be removed rather than labeled.

The new policy expands this dragnet to include videos featuring a person “They did something they didn't do” And on pictures and sound. However, it is more relaxed than the old approach as the content in question will be allowed to remain online.

The new policy expands this dragnet to include videos featuring a person “They did something they didn't do” And on pictures and sound. However, it is more relaxed than the old approach as the content in question will be allowed to remain online.

“Our manipulated media policy was written in 2020 when factual AI-generated content was rare and the overarching concern was about videos.” The company explained. “In the past four years, especially in the past year, people have developed other types of realistic AI-generated content such as audio and images, and this technology is developing rapidly.”

Since the beginning of this year, US regulatory agencies have announced a Prevention On the created artificial intelligence “Robocalls” After Joe Biden called New Hampshire residents via computer to urge them not to participate in the state's Democratic primaries, while the White House promised to do so. “dealing with” The problem of non-consensual porn after fake nude photos of pop star Taylor Swift spread on social media. Former US President Donald Trump also commented on this issue, and accused the American media of using artificial intelligence to make him appear fatter in photos.

Meta isn't the only big tech company fighting synthetic content with labels. As of last year, TikTok is asking users to label their own AI-generated content, while giving other users the option to report content they suspect is AI-generated. YouTube introduced a similar honor-based system last month.

With pivotal elections in the European Union in June and the United States in November, lawmakers have pushed technology companies to take action against artificial intelligence. “Deep fake” Which they say could be used to deceive voters. Earlier this year, Microsoft, Meta, and Google joined more than a dozen other industry leaders at the event Promising to “Help prevent deceptive AI content from interfering in this year’s global elections.”

However, platforms like TikTok and YouTube that use honor systems may soon be forced to take the Meta approach. Under one provision of the EU's AI law, which comes into force next summer, fines will be imposed on tech companies for failing to detect and identify AI-generated content, including text. “Published for the purpose of informing the public about matters of general interest.”

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