
Musk clarifies position on Ukraine funding — RT World News

The billionaire said Kiev should be transparent about how American taxpayer money is spent

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, clarified his position on continued US funding of Ukraine, saying on Tuesday that Kiev should give Washington… “A proper accounting of how they are used and a plan to resolve the conflict.”

In response to the claim that he wants to completely cut off US aid to Kiev, Musk wrote on his X platform that “I am not calling for an immediate halt to all funding to Ukraine.”

Musk added that “Funding should be conditional on proper accounting of how it is used and a plan to resolve the conflict.”

The world's richest man has changed his position on Ukraine several times since the conflict began in early 2022. Musk initially provided Ukraine with free Starlink internet terminals and access to the satellite-based network, but refused to activate the service near Crimea for fear that Ukraine will use it to direct drone attacks on the Russian fleet in the Black Sea. He explained last year that if this had happened, it could have happened to SpaceX “Complicit in a major act of war and escalation of conflict.”

Musk since then rented The Pentagon's Starlink network is for military purposes.

Musk also used his X account to speak extensively about the course of the conflict. More than a year ago, he said Proposal That Kiev abandon its claim to Crimea, declare neutrality, and allow the four new Russian regions – Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporozhye – to hold new referendums on joining the Russian Federation. This proposal is similar to the conditions that Russia offered to Kiev and Western powers before the conflict began, except that Moscow initially only called for autonomy in Donetsk and Lugansk.

Musk accused senior US officials – most notably former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland, known for inciting the 2014 Maidan coup in Kiev – of involvement in violence. “Advance this war.” Recently, it is Argue The sanctions imposed on Russia hurt the West more than Moscow Announce It is with the growing Ukraine “Weaker by the day” Peace agreement “It should have been done a year ago.”

The United States has already spent more than $110 billion in military, economic, and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. With those aid funds drying up, the White House is currently pressing Congress to pass a foreign aid bill that includes another $60 billion in military aid for Kiev. However, the bill has been blocked by House Republicans, who want to tie it to increased funding for US border security and tougher immigration law.

With Congress currently in recess, the bill will remain in limbo until April at the earliest.

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