
Musk decries US government censorship — RT World News

The American billionaire claimed that he is subjected to “relentless attacks” for allowing freedom of expression on his social media platform.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has claimed that his foray into social media — buying former Twitter (since renamed .

“The public still does not understand even a fraction of the power of the government-industrial and regulatory complex.” musk He said on Friday in a post on X. “As expected, my companies and I came under relentless attack the moment this platform was lifted. How far will they go to stop me?”

The American billionaire made his comments in response to a post by podcast host David Sachs, who warned against this “Regime Democrats” They work every day to undermine Americans' rights to free expression and freedom from political persecution. Musk also agreed with the suggestion that his political enemies are as well “I'm just getting started” After winning a Delaware court ruling late last month nullifying Tesla's $56 billion compensation package.

Musk, who heads several other companies, has done this before claimed it is in “silent crossing” Risk of being killed. His father, Errol Musk, said in an interview last September that he feared that his son would be assassinated by A “Shadow government” Because of the influence he exercises.

He is ranked as the richest man in America with a fortune estimated at Forbes With more than $200 billion, Elon Musk has been subjected to a wave of legal attacks and negative media coverage since buying Twitter for $44 billion in October 2022 and pledging to end censorship on the platform. An advertiser boycott has cut into X's revenue, and President Joe Biden's administration has sued Musk's company SpaceX for allegedly discriminating against refugees in hiring practices.

Biden reacted to the Twitter takeover by suggesting that the federal government should investigate Musk. Asked whether Musk could put US national security at risk, the president told reporters: “I think Elon Musk’s collaboration and/or technical relationships with other countries are worth considering.”

Under its previous ownership, Twitter was among the social media platforms that helped Biden win the 2020 US presidential election by censoring a shocking report about his family's alleged influence peddling in Ukraine and China. republican Legislators They accused the FBI of colluding with Twitter executives to squash the report.

Musk also released internal documents on Twitter revealing the government's involvement in censoring speech related to the COVID-19 pandemic. “Thank God for Elon Musk who allowed us to show us and the world that Twitter was essentially an FBI subsidiary, censoring real medical voices with real expertise putting the lives of real Americans at risk because they didn't have that information.” United States representative Nancy Mays He said last year.

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