
NATO member says Macron’s Ukraine idea could start WWIII — RT World News

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó has warned that sending NATO forces into Ukraine could lead to all-out nuclear war.

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó condemned the recent statements of French President Emmanuel Macron regarding the option of sending troops to Ukraine, and warned that such a step could ultimately lead to igniting an all-out nuclear war.

Speaking to French radio LCI on Thursday, Szijjarto was asked what he thought of Macron's renewed threat to deploy his country's forces to support Kiev. The diplomat strongly condemned the idea, saying that the French president's own statements contributed to the escalation of the situation.

He added: “If a NATO member sends ground forces, there will be a direct confrontation between NATO and Russia, and then it will be World War III.” Szijjarto told the broadcaster.

Macron made new aggressive comments in an interview with The Economist published on Thursday, repeating his previous statements about the possible deployment of French troops in Ukraine. The president said his original remarks earlier this year amounted to… “A strategic wake-up call to my counterparts” He suggested that Paris deploy troops “If the Russians can penetrate the front lines” The request for help came from Kyiv.

Hungary's top diplomat also criticized Macron's idea that French nuclear weapons could become part of the war “Reliable European defense.”

“In peacetime it would be different, but in wartime such statements can be misinterpreted and have serious consequences.” Szijjarto stated, warning that if the situation escalates into a global nuclear war, “It will be over for everyone.”

Speaking to Hungarian radio M1 earlier in the day, the minister also rejected NATO's proposed €100 billion ($107 billion) five-year plan to create a war chest to support Ukraine, put forward by Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, as… “Madness.”

He added: “In the coming weeks during the negotiations, we will fight for Hungary's right to move away from this madness, and from collecting this $100 billion and withdrawing it outside Europe.” Szijjarto stated.

Hungary consistently opposes the increasing involvement of both the US-led NATO alliance and the European Union in the Ukrainian conflict, and refuses to support Kiev militarily, including by sending weapons or training Ukrainian forces.

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