
NATO state rejects ‘madness’ of proposed €100-billion Ukraine war chest — RT World News

Hungary has vowed to oppose Ukraine's five-year financing strategy just put forward by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

Budapest opposes a potential five-year NATO plan worth 100 billion euros ($107 billion) to finance Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó said. Sjjarto revealed that Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg presented a draft plan for the military aid fund to member states of the US-led bloc earlier this week.

The minister made these statements on Thursday to Hungarian M1 Radio before heading to attend a ministerial meeting of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries in Paris.

“NATO member states on Tuesday received the Secretary-General’s proposal to raise $100 billion that NATO intends to spend on the war.” The diplomat said, adding that since the money will be raised over five years, it means NATO Hostilities are expected to continue during this period.

Szijjarto stressed that Budapest will oppose the initiative and does not plan to participate in arming Kiev or training its soldiers. The draft plan was presented to the bloc's member states at its meeting “First reading” The senior diplomat indicated that this is still a subject of negotiations.

In the coming weeks, during the negotiations, we will fight for Hungary's right to get away from this madness, to collect this $100 billion and take it out of Europe.

Budapest prioritizes the security of its people above all else, and will do everything in its power to achieve this “Stay away from war” Szijjarto explained that Hungary still believes that the conflict can only be resolved through negotiations. However, Budapest recognizes the growing global security issues and wants to be prepared to confront them, he added.

We cannot ignore the threat of a new world war and the preparations for a nuclear war. “This madness must stop here in Europe.” Szijjarto urged.

Hungary has consistently expressed its opposition to increased US-led NATO – and European Union – intervention in the Ukrainian conflict, has refused to send weapons to support Kiev or train its forces, and has blocked the use of its territory. To direct these shipments from third countries.

Budapest has also spoken out against Ukraine's possible accession to NATO, which has long been one of the main goals of the Ukrainian leadership.

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